Renovation of warehouse operations in the company šumi bonboni d.o.o

Autor: Kramar, Mateja
Přispěvatelé: Potrč, Iztok, Sternad, Marjan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Skladiščno poslovanje je ključnega pomena za nemoteno delovanje podjetja. V diplomskem delu smo podrobneje opisali obstoječe stanje le-tega v obravnavanem podjetju in pri tem zasledili problem. Ker proizvodnja poteka v dveh delih stavbe, ki sta medsebojno ločena, se v času slabega vremena celotni delovni proces ustavi, saj bi se sicer blago lahko poškodovalo ali celo uničilo. Zato smo se odločili, da bomo problem rešili z izgradnjo nadstreška in obenem pridobili dodaten prostor, ki bo pripomogel pri nakladanju in razkladanju blaga. Ker pa v podjetju manjka tudi nakladna ploščad, bomo tako rešili dva problema hkrati. Za obstoječi problem smo uporabili dve rešitvi. Prva je izgradnja nakladne ploščadi, s katero bi pridobili prostor za prevzem blaga in večji prostor za odpremo blaga. Druga predlagana rešitev je izgradnja nadstreška nad nakladno ploščadjo ter celotnim dvoriščem. S to investicijo bi pridobili proizvodni čas, ki se trenutno izgublja ob slabem vremenu zaradi obstoječega stanja objekta. Warehouse management is key to the smooth operation of a company. In this thesis we describe in detail the current state of warehouse management and detected issues within the selected company. Currently the product manufacture takes place in two separate parts of the building which leads to the entire process being halted during times of bad weather since the goods would otherwise be damaged or even destroyed. We decided to solve this issue by building an extra roof over the courtyard which would also gain much-needed space for loading and unloading goods. Since the company doesn't have a loading platform we will thus solve two issues at once. We proposed two solutions to address the existing issues. The first is the construction of a loading platform which would net required space for acquisition and shipment of goods. The second proposed solution is to build a roof above the loading platform as well as the courtyard. With this investment the company would gain production time which they are currently losing due to bad weather manufacturing downtime.
Databáze: OpenAIRE