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V projektni nalogi diplomskega izpita je predstavljena statična analiza manjšega objekta, katerega glavni konstrukcijski elementi so iz jekla. Na začetku naloge podajam nekaj teoretičnih osnov, ki so ključne za razumevanje samega dimenzioniranja jeklenih elementov. Nato se na podlagi želja naročnikov oziroma namembnosti objekta naredi zasnova samega objekta, ki sem ga z nekaj pozicijskimi risbami tudi grafično prikazal. Prvi korak v analizi je določevanje obtežb, ki delujejo na objekt. V nadaljevanju, v jedru naloge, za vsak element posebej z analizo dokazujem, da izpolnjuje pogoje nosilnosti, stabilnosti in uporabnosti. V zaključku predstavim še primer dimenzioniranja spoja na glavnem okvirju. Ker pri izbiri prerezov ne upoštevam kriterija ekonomičnosti, konstrukcija seveda ni najbolj optimalno zasnovana oziroma je izkoriščenost prerezov sorazmerno majhna. Cilj naloge je poudarek na statični analizi elementov in dokazovanju nosilnosti, zato so že v zasnovi določene stvari poenostavljene. The graduation thesis presents a statical analysis of a small steel building. The first part of the thesis presents the theoretical basis for understanding the dimensioning of steel elements. This is followed by the design of the building based on the requirements of the investors and the purpose of the building, presented graphically by a couple of position drawings. The first step in the analysis is determining the loads acting on the building. This is followed by the core of the thesis it proves that every element individually meets the requirements of load capacity, stability and usability. The final part presents an example of dimensioning of a joint on the main framework. Because choosing the cross-sections does not take into account the criteria of economy, the construction is not optimally designed, i.e. the utilisation of the cross-sections is proportionally limited. The purpose of the thesis was to emphasize the analysis of elements this is why some elements of the design and statical calculation are simplified. |