Autor: Rezar, Primož
Přispěvatelé: Nekrep Perc, Matjaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomska naloga prikazuje postopka pridobitve koncesije za izrabo vode za pridobivanje električne energije na izbrani lokaciji na reki Dravinji in pridobitve gradbenega dovoljenja za izgradnjo mHe z ustreznimi tehničnimi rešitvami. Za pridobitev koncesije se na ARSO odda ustrezna vloga s priloženo idejno zasnovo. Po podpisu koncesijske pogodbe moramo pridobiti vsa zahtevana soglasja. Za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja moramo na upravni enoti oddati projekt za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja, ki je sestavljen iz vodilne mape, ustreznih načrtov in elaboratov ter kopij vseh soglasij in koncesijske pogodbe. MHe na reki Dravinji je sestavljena iz vtočnega in iztočnega objekta, strojnice in kablovoda do električnega omrežja. This diploma deals with the procedure of receiving a concession for the legal use of water for electric energy by constructing a small hydro power plant on river Dravinja and with the procedure of obtaining a legal building licence with technical solutions for its construction. To receive a legal concession, one must lodge an appropriate application, enclosed with a conceptual scheme at ARSO. After signing the concession contract, one must first obtain all necessary legal permissions for the construction. To be able to legally start the construction, the investor must get a building licence for it. In order to get it, the investor has to lodge a project for building licence at the administrative unit. The project for building licence contains a leading folder, adequate building plans and elaborats and copies of all legal permissions and the concession conctarct. Small hydro power plant on river Dravinja is composed of inflow and outflow facillity, engineering and the connection to the electrical network.
Databáze: OpenAIRE