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Na nogometnih igriščih je zelo pomembno, da je travna ruša odporna na obremenitve, ki jih predstavljajo tekme na najvišjih nivojih različnih tekmovanj. Da lahko to dosežemo, je zelo pomembno, da se na igriščih izvajajo agrotehnični ukrepi: košnja, zračenje, škropljenje, zalivanje in gnojenje, ki travni ruši omogočajo optimalne pogoje za rast, igralcem pa optimalne pogoje za igro. Na stadionu »Ljudski vrt« v Mariboru so se leta 2018 odločili za zamenjavo travne ruše, da bi igralcem zagotovili optimalne pogoje za igro. V magistrskem delu smo želeli z merjenji števila posameznega agrotehničnega ukrepa in merjenjem parametrov porabe goriva, časa in hitrosti ugotoviti, ali z zamenjavo travne ruše lahko zmanjšamo potrebo po tehnoloških ukrepih na stadionih, ki so opremljeni z najsodobnejšo travno rušo. It is very important for football that the surface is resistant to the burdens during matches and different competitions. In order to achieve this, it is very important that the following agro-technical measures are carried out on the fields: mowing, ventilation, spraying, watering and fertilization. If grasses are provided with optimal conditions for growth, the players are provided with optimal conditions for the game. That is why, in 2018 in Maribor, at the »Ljudski vrt« stadium, they decided to replace the grass surface in order to provide the players with optimal conditions for the game. The goal of the master's thesis was to determine, by measuring the number of individual agrotechnical measurements and measuring the fuel, time and speed parameters of parameters, or by replacing the grass surface, if the need for technological measures in the stadiums equipped with the most modern grassland could be reduced. |