Greening of the fleet of company Komunala Zagorje, d.o.o

Autor: Omahne, Vasja
Přispěvatelé: Knez, Matjaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Glavna tema diplomskega dela je ozelenitev voznega parka podjetja Komunala Zagorje, d. o. o. V uvodu smo predstavili problem, namen, cilje in teze. Prav tako smo opisali predpostavke in omejitve ter metode našega raziskovanja. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo se osredotočili na zeleno logistiko in z njo povezane tehnologije, na katerih temelji zaključni del naloge. Predstavili smo okoljski vidik in z njim povezane pomembnejše politike, standarde in protokole Evropske unije. Opredelili smo pomen nafte in gibanja cen ter predstavili problematiko onesnaženosti s toplogrednimi plini. V drugem poglavju smo predstavili posnetek stanja voznega parka leta 2017. Ta vključuje predstavitev voznega parka in njegovih značilnosti, količino izpuščenega plina CO2 obstoječega voznega parka in strošek goriva voznega parka. Drugo poglavje zajema še SWOT- in kritično analizo. V zadnjem poglavju smo predstavili rešitve, ki bi jih podjetje lahko uporabilo. Primerjali smo trenutni vozni park in alternativni vozni park glede izpustov plina CO2 in stroškov goriva. Predstavili smo tudi izračun časa povračila naložbe v štiri alternativna vozila. The main topic of the diploma work is the greening of the fleet of the company Komunala Zagorje, d. o. o. In the introduction we presented the problem, the purpose, the goals in the thesis. We have also described the assumptions in the limits and methods of our research. In the theoretical part of our work, we focused on green logistics and the related technologies on which the final part of the task is based. We presented the environmental aspect and related important EU policies, standards and protocols. We defined the importance of oil and price trends and presented the problems of greenhouse gas pollution. In the second chapter, we presented the fleet's situation in 2017. This included the presentation of the fleet and their characteristics, the amount of CO2 emitted from the existing fleet and the fuel cost of the fleet. The second chapter includes SWOT analysis and critical analysis. In the last chapter, we presented solutions that the company could use. We compared the current fleet and alternative fleet regarding CO2 emissions and fuel costs. We also presented a calculation of the time for the return of the investment into four alternative vehicles.
Databáze: OpenAIRE