Autor: Klobučar, Doroteja
Přispěvatelé: Uršič, Duško
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomski nalogi sem najprej predstavila sistem nagrajevanja in motiviranja zaposlenih iz teoretičnega vidika različnih avtorjev. Nadaljevala sem s praktičnim vidikom v katerem sem analizirala sistem nagrajevanja v podjetju Silva Bračko s.p. Praktični del sem dopolnila z raziskavo opravljeno z anketo, ki sem jo izvedla med desetimi zaposlenimi v podjetju. Sistemu nagrajevanja in motiviranja v podjetju pripisujejo vedno večji pomen. V podjetju se zavedajo, da brez dobro motiviranega ter usposobljenega kadra ne morejo biti uspešni. Zaposleni v zameno za dobro opravljeno delo poleg redne plače pričakujejo še druge vrste denarnih in prav tako nedenarnih nagrad. Moč denarnih nagrad naj bi bila sicer večja kot moč nedenarnih, vendar zaradi specifičnosti posameznika in njegovih osebnih interesov ni vedno tako. Potrebno je izoblikovati takšen sistem nagrajevanja, ki bo upošteval individualne interese posameznika in težil k čim boljšemu zadovoljevanju le- teh. Zelo pomembno je, da znamo motivirat sebe, kajti nemogoče je motivirati druge, če nismo motivirani sami. Da motiviramo sebe in dobimo zagon je eno, navdihniti druge pa povsem nekaj drugega. Čeprav je lastna motiviranost drugim lahko vzor, je pri tem zelo pomembna strategija, ki lahko vpliva na nadaljnje dejavnosti ter uspešnost podjetja. Analiza ankete je pokazala, da je večina zaposlenih s sistemom nagrajevanja zadovoljnih in da je mnenja, da je doseganje ciljev povezano z njihovim delom. Kot najpomembnejši dejavnik motiviranja je večina zaposlenih na prvo mesto postavila prav plače. Prav tako večina zaposlenih dela oziroma vztraja pri delu zaradi plače, ki jo dobijo ne pa zaradi veselja do dela. Vzrok je predvsem tudi ta, da ljudje potrebujejo denar, da lahko preživljajo sebe in svoje družine, zato je plača pomemben dejavnik, zakaj nekateri še vztrajajo pri določenem delu, saj vemo, da je v času krize že tako težko najti zaposlitev. Cilj vsakega uspešnega podjetja je, da bi bili njegovi zaposleni zadovoljni, saj so ravno zadovoljni zaposleni bolj produktivni, ustvarjalni, delovni ter uspešni. In the present diploma thesis the author initially presents the motivation and reward system of employees from a theoretical point of view, drawing on theories of different authors. The continuing part provides a practical approach in which the reward system of the company Silva Bračko s.p. (sole proprietor) was analyzed. The practical part is supplemented by an empirical study, which consists of a questionnaire survey, conducted on ten employees of the named company. The company attributes more and more importance to the motivation and reward system. Companies are becoming aware that they cannot be successful without well motivated and competent personnel. In exchange of completing their work well, the employees expect in addition to their regular salary also some other financial and non-financial rewards. The potential of the financial rewards is said to be much higher than of the non-financial, however, due to the uniqueness and personal interests of the individual, this is not always the case. Consequently a reward system should be developed that would account for individual interests of the employees and strive to accomplish them in the best possible way. It is essential that we are able to motivate ourselves, since otherwise it is not possible to motivate others. Nevertheless, to gain new momentum and motivation is different than to inspire someone else. One’s motivation could serve as an inspiring example to others however, a vital element behind it is the strategy that could influence further activity and the success of the company. The survey analysis showed that the majority of employees are satisfied with the reward system. In their point of view, the achievement of their goals relates to their work. The majority also named the salary as the most important motivation source. Additionally, most employees work or carry on working because of their salary and not because of their passion for work. A reason for this mostly lies in the fact that people need money to be able to support themselves and their family. Because of that, the salary is an important motivation why some people still keep working in a particular position and furthermore, it is widely known that in times of crisis it is that much harder to find employment. The goal of every successful company is keeping their employees satisfied, since satisfied workers are more productive, creative, effective and successful.
Databáze: OpenAIRE