Market segmentation for accounting services in the municipality of Domžale

Autor: Slavič, Matevž
Přispěvatelé: Vukovič, Goran
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomska naloga v svojem teoretičnem delu razlaga pojme s področja marketinga storitev, segmentacije računovodskih storitev in njihovega pozicioniranja. V nadaljevanju razlaga koristnost analize SWOT pri prepoznavanju slabosti, prednosti podjetja in nevarnosti in priložnosti zunanjega okolja. Del v diplomskem delu smo namenili tudi analizi raziskave trga, ciljnih uporabnikov in tržne raziskave konkurentov. Podali smo tudi značilnosti računovodskih storitev. Segmentacija trga računovodskih storitev zahteva od tržnikov razdelitev na različne skupine odjemalcev, tako obstoječih kot morebitnih. Potem želimo v nadaljevanju s pozicioniranjem opredeliti trenutno in želeno mesto podjetja na konkurenčnem trgu, z analizo SWOT pa opredeliti nevarnosti, prednosti, slabosti in priložnosti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 67 anketirancev, ki so razkrili, da kljub obsežni ponudbi računovodskih storitev pogrešajo večjo kakovost, celovitost ponudbe na enem mestu, boljše plačilne pogoje, večjo personalizacijo in optimalnejši delovnik ponudnika storitev. S tem smo ugotovili, da je kljub obširnem trgu in veliki konkurenci ponudbo računovodskih storitev v občini Domžale možno izboljšati in tako ustvariti večjo konkurenčno prednost. Definitions from the field of marketing services, segmentation of accounting services and their positioning are explained in the theoretical part of the diploma thesis. Further on, the utility of SWOT analysis is interpreted through the identification of the company weaknesses and strengths, and the dangers and opportunities of the outdoor environment. A part of the thesis covers the analysis of market research, target users and market research of competitors. The characteristics of accounting services are also specified. The segmentation of the accounting services market requires marketers to divide the different client groups, both existing and potential. Furthermore, they have to identify the current and the desired position of the company in the competitive market through positioning and identify the dangers, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities through the SWOT analysis. A total of 67 respondents participated in the survey. They revealed that despite the extensive offer of accounting services, they miss higher quality, offer integrity, better payment terms, greater personalisation and more optimised working hours of the service provider. Thus, we determined that despite the extensive market and significant competition, the accounting service in the Municipality of Domžale could improve and create a greater competitive advantage accordingly.
Databáze: OpenAIRE