Artificial intelligence and accounting

Autor: Klančnik, Miha
Přispěvatelé: Kolar, Iztok
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Računovodski oddelek je eden izmed temeljnih oddelkov vsake organizacije. Brez vzpostavljenega računovodskega oddelka ali servisa podjetja ne morejo poslovati. Da lahko računovodje svoje delo opravljajo, morajo imeti sistemsko podporo. Sistemska podpora so lahko inteligentni sistemi ali pa dovolj zmogljivi informacijski sistemi, odvisno od kompleksnosti družbe. Da se je stroka računovodstva razvila do tolikšne mere, kot jo poznamo danes, gre veliko zaslug pripisati tehnološkim pripomočkom. Eden izmed množice tehnoloških pripomočkov so umetno inteligentni sistemi. Umetno inteligentni sistemi omogočajo obdelavo ogromne količine podatkov ter pretvorbo teh podatkov v smiselne informacije. Skozi leta se je delo v računovodstvu korenito spremenilo. Spremenil se je predvsem način dela. V preteklosti so računovodje svoje delo upravljali s papirji, sedaj pa je njihovo delo avtomatizirano. Z uporabo umetno inteligentnih sistemov pri svojem delu imajo zbrane vse podatke na enem mestu ter že pripravljene informacije, s katerimi lahko nato razpolagajo. Podjetje X je eno izmed hčerinskih družb koncerna, kjer se je v letu 2015 uvedlo centralizirano računovodstvo za del nalog v računovodstvu. Vpeljali so enostavno uporabo umetne inteligence v računovodstvo, kjer programska oprema prepozna, ali dokumenti vsebujejo bistvene značilnosti ali ne. Za nemoteno delovanje procesa in za obdelavo velike količine podatkov, imajo implementiran informacijski sistem. Podatki vseh hčerinskih družb so zbrani na enem mestu. Določene informacije so že vnaprej pripravljene in na voljo uporabnikom. Accounting department is one of the basis department of every business organization. Without established accounting department or service, organizations can not work. Accountants needs to have support of technology, that they can do their job. System support can be artificial intelligent systems or sufficiently powerful information systems, depends on complexity of the company. That the accounting profession has developed to such level as we know it today, there is a lot of merit attributed to technological device. One of many technological devices are also artificial intelligent systems. Artificial intelligent systems are capable to process huge amount of data’s and transform them into meaningful information. Over the years, work in accounting significant changed. The way of work has changed. Accountants were working only with papers in the past. Their work is now automated. With using artificial intelligent systems in their regular work, they have now all data’s in one database and prepared in advance some useful informations. Company X is one of the subsidiaries within the group, where they implemented centralized accounting for part of the tasks of accounting. They implemented it in 2015. They introduced the simple use of artificial intelligence in accounting, where the software detects whether the document contains the essential characteristics or not. For the smooth functioning of the process and processing large amounts of data, they have implemented information system. Data’s of all subsidiaries are gathered in one place. Some informations are prepared in advance and available to users.
Databáze: OpenAIRE