Autor: | Ljubičić, Rada |
Přispěvatelé: | Vavtar, Bojan |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2014 |
Předmět: |
zakon o varnosti in zdravju pri delu (ZVZD-1)
night shift health and safety at work Act spanje obveznost delodajalca the Conventions of the ILO (The International Labour Organization) zakon o delovnih razmerjih (ZDR-1) employer’s obligations cirkadiani ritmi tiredness circadian rhythms konvencije mednarodne organizacije dela (MOD) utrujenosti the Employment relationship Act nočno delo sleep |
Zdroj: | Maribor |
Popis: | Nočno delo je zelo posebna oblika dela, ker posega na zdravstveno področje človeka ter njegovo socialno in družinsko življenje. Opravljanje izmenskega in nočnega dela na zaposlenem pušča psihične, fizične in socialne posledice. Delo poteka v manj ugodnem delovnem času in okolju, kar predstavlja resen dejavnik tveganja za nastanek številnih bolezni. Pri nočnem delu se je treba boriti proti naravnemu biološkemu ritmu, ne nazadnje pa moramo po koncu nočne izmene iti domov in poskušati zaspati, čeprav nam biološka ura, dnevna svetloba in družba govorijo, da je to čas budnosti in aktivnosti. Človeški organizem se namreč zelo težko prilagodi delu ponoči, izčrpa pa ga tudi pomanjkanje spanca. Dejstvo je, da opravljanje neizogibnega dela v izmenah povzroča kronično utrujenost, poruši naravni ritem spanja, lahko povzroči debelost, depresijo in celo raka. Zaradi vsega navedenega in zmanjšane kvalitete življenja nočnemu delavcu pripadajo nekatere ugodnosti in pravice, s katerimi ga zakon varuje in istočasno delodajalcu nalaga določene obveznosti. Pri tem so obveznosti delodajalca določene z mednarodnopravnimi viri ter notranjo pravno zakonodajo. Zato je najbolj pomembno, da se delodajalec zaveda, da je delavec, ki opravlja delo v dnevnem času, produktivnejši, manj podvržen stresu in poškodbam in da je zato nujno potrebno spoštovanje zakonodaje, ki varuje in pomaga izmenskim delavcem. Night work is a very special form of work in the labour law. It is work which interferes with man’s health area, his social, and family life. Such work may thus affect physical and mental health and well-being, as well as the social and family life of an individual employee. Because shift work and night work are scheduled outside of standardized working hours and environment that can lead to a serious risk factor for many diseases. When working night you must fight against the natural biological rhythm, and then on top of everything, we must at the end of the night shift go home and try to sleep, even though our biological clock, daylight, and society say that this is the time of wakefulness and activity. Human organism has difficulties adapting to working nights because of the lack of sleep. The fact is that working on an inevitable shift work causes chronic tiredness, disrupts the natural rhythm of sleep, can cause obesity, depression, and even cancer. For all of these reasons and reduced quality of life, night workers have certain benefits and rights of the law. At the same time such work imposes certain obligations to employers. In doing so, the employer's obligations are specified with international resources and national legal regulations. Therefore, it is most important that the employer is aware that the employee who works during the day is more productive, less subjected to stress and damage and that it is therefore essential to respect the laws that protect and help shift and night workers. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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