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V diplomskem delu smo obravnavali problematiko nosilnosti kotnega zvarnega in vijačnega spoja očesnega vijaka, privijačenega v kvadratni profil na vogalnih mestih kovinskega ogrodja, ki nam omogoča transport lahkih gotovih (LG) kopalnic. Preizkuse smo izvajali pri treh različnih velikostih očesnih vijakov, in sicer za M20, M24 in M27. Najprej smo kontrolirali nosilnost samega zvarnega spoja in šele nato nosilnost posameznega očesnega vijaka. Rezultate smo prikazali in ovrednotili z ustreznimi diagrami. Iz dobljenih rezultatov smo zaključili, da sta kotni zvar in vijačni spoj več kot primerna za nosilnost posameznih LG kopalnic glede na njihovo težo ter ugotovili, da je pri večji matici, torej pri večji dimenziji vijaka, tudi zvarni spoj popustil kasneje, predvsem zaradi večje simetričnosti matice v pravokotnem profilu. In the graduation thesis, we addressed an issue of carrying capacity of filled welded and screw threaded joint and eyebolt tightened into a square profile on corner spots of metal framework, which enables a transport of light finished (LG) bathrooms. The tests were carried out for three different sizes of eyebolts, namely for M20, M24, and M27. First, we controlled load carrying capacity of welded joint itself, and only later a carrying capacity of an individual eyebolt. The result were presented and evaluated in appropriate diagrams. Based on the obtained results, we concluded that filled weld and screw threaded joint are more than appropriate for carrying of individual LG bathrooms in regard to their weight. Further, we established that with a bigger nut, therefore also a bigger screw dimension, a welded joint broke later, mainly due to the higher symmetry of the nut in the square profile. |