Monitoring the artistic development of students in the third education cycle of primary school

Autor: Herzog, Jerneja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Revija za elementarno izobraževanje, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 349-364, 2017.
ISSN: 1855-4431
Popis: Sodobni trendi v vzgoji in izobraževanju težijo k spodbujanju samostojnosti, k izoblikovanju celostne osebnosti in ne nazadnje tudi k ustvarjalnosti. V tem pogledu se nam pojavlja vprašanje, koliko je naš izobraževalni sistem podprt za razvijanje otrokove ustvarjalnosti in koliko se resnično posveča pozornosti razvijanju ustvarjalnosti, ko govorimo o praksi. V prispevku predstavljamo rezultate raziskave, v kateri smo spremljali nivo likovnoustvarjalnih in nivo likovnooblikovnih sposobnosti pri sedmošolcih v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Poudarek je bil na preverjanju razlik med spoloma, ker vemo, da se dečki in deklice v starostnem obdobju drugega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja razvijajo drugače, zato je treba tudi drugače postopati pri izbiri likovnopedagoških postopkov in metod. Modern trends in education tend toward promoting autonomy, the creation of an integrated personality, and-last but not least-creativity. From this perspective, the question emerges to what extent our education system supports the development of a child's personality, and to what extent attention is genuinely paid to the development of creativity, in practice. The article presents the results of a study that monitored the level of artistic creativity and the level of artistic formative ability among seventh-grade students in Slovenian primary schools. At the age of the second education cycle, boys and girls develop differently consequently, in the selection of art-educational procedures and methods different approaches must be adopted, and as a result, the emphasis in this study was on the examination of differences between the genders.
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