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Diplomsko delo je analiza spodbud in zavor pri učenju. Zanimalo nas je, katere so glavne spodbude in zavore pri učenju. V diplomskem delu smo podrobno raziskali, kaj so učenje, motivacija in motivacija za učenje. Da bi ugotovili, katere so spodbude in zavore, ki vplivajo na učenje dijakov, smo izvedli raziskavo na dveh srednjih šolah in rezultate nato primerjali med seboj. V raziskavo smo vključili dijake Srednje zdravstvene šole Ljubljana (SZŠ) in dijake Tehniškega šolskega centra Kranj (TŠC). Spraševali smo jih o tem, kaj jih najbolj motivira za učenje, kaj jih pri učenju zavira, kakšna je njihova samopodoba v povezavi z motivacijo za učenje, kakšen vpliv ima profesorjevo podajanje snovi na motivacjo za učenje, kakšne so njihove učne navade in kako se starši zanimajo za njihovo učenje. Ugotovili smo, da dijake na obeh srednjih šolah za učenje spodbujajo in zavirajo podobni dejavniki. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je največja spodbuda za učenje ta, da se zavedajo pomembnosti izobrazbe v življenju, največja zavora pa je nezanimiva učna snov. Na podlagi analize smo tudi ugotovili, da med mnenji dijakov SZŠ in TŠC ne obstajajo bistvene razlike o tem, kakšna je njihova samopodoba, kako se starši zanimajo za njihovo učenje in kakšne so njihove učne navade. Ugotovili smo tudi, da dijaki SZŠ načinu posredovanja znanja in odnosu profesorja do dijakov pripisujejo večji pomen kot dijaki TŠC. In this paper, we describe our analysis of various stimulants and discouragements to motivation for studying. More precisely, we are interested as to which stimulations and discouragements have the greatest impact on motivation. During our study, we analyzed if similar factors existed for increasing and decreasing motivation levels between students at the Secondary Medical School of Ljubljana (SZŠ) and students at the Technical School Center of Kranj (TŠC). In diploma we researched in detail what are learning, motivation and motivation for learning. In determining which stimulants and discouragements influence students’ motivation for studying, our research included observing and analyzing a group of students from the Secondary Medical School of Ljubljana and a group of students from the Technical School Center of Kranj. We asked the two groups questions regarding greatest factors that motivate or hinder their studies, their self-esteem, suggestions for how teachers could better motivate them for learning the material, their study habits, and their parents’ interest in their studies. As a result, we determined that the two groups of students are motivated and unmotivated by similar factors. For students at both schools the biggest factor for increasing motivation is awareness of the importance of an education and the biggest factor for decreasing motivation is uninteresting learning materials. Based on the analysis we discovered that there are no important statistical differences based on students’ self-esteem, their parents’ interests and their learning habits. We also found out that students from SZŠ value their teachers communicating and learning knowledge more than students from TŠC and that there are important statistical differences in that matter. |