Physical activity and depression in students: the role of intensity and motivation for psysical activity

Autor: Peršak, Martina
Přispěvatelé: Poštuvan, Vita
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Povezanost telesne aktivnosti in duševnega zdravja je predmet številnih raziskav zaradi mnogih pozitivnih posledic, ki jih prinaša aktivno izvajanje telesne aktivnosti. Eno izmed najpomembnejših je preprečevanje nekaterih duševnih motenj med katere spada tudi depresija. Namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati pojavnost depresije glede na telesno aktivnost in vrsto motivacije med študenti. Zanimalo nas je kakšna je intenzivnost telesne aktivnosti med študenti, in kako je povezana z depresijo in motivacijo telesne aktivnosti. Raziskovali smo ali pri ukvarjanju s telesno aktivnostjo obstajajo razlike med spoloma. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 257 študentov Univerze v Mariboru in Univerze v Ljubljani. Pri zbiranju podatkov smo uporabili Saltin-Grimby lestvico telesne aktivnosti (Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale – SGPALS), Vprašalnik motivacije za telesno aktivnost – SRQ-E (Exercise Self-Regulation Questionnaire – SRQ-E) in Vprašalnik depresije, anksioznosti in stresa (Depression Anxiety Stress Scales –DASS-21). Ugotovili smo, da so študenti pogosteje intenzivno telesno aktivni v primerjavi s študentkami, prav tako so študenti pri telesnih aktivnostih bolj notranje kot tudi bolj zunanje motivirani v primerjavi s študentkami. Ugotovili smo, da se posamezniki, ki so za ukvarjanje s telesno aktivnostjo notranje motivirani, bolj intenzivno posvečajo telesni aktivnosti, kot pa zunanje motivirani posamezniki. Multipla regresija je pokazala, da manjša intenzivnost telesne aktivnosti ni ključen napovednik depresije. Notranja motivacija za ukvarjanje s telesno aktivnostjo se kaže kot najpomembnejši znanilec depresije, medtem ko analiza ni pokazala pomembnejših razlik med zunanjo motivacijo in depresijo med ženskim in moškim spolom študentov. The interaction of physical activity and mental health is a subject of many types of research because of the benefits active exercises or being physically active brings. One of the most important benefits is the prevention of some types of mental disorders, including depression. The purpose of the master’s thesis was to research the occurrence of the depression considering the physical activity and the type of motivation among students. The focus of interest was on the intensity of physical activity among students and its connection between depression and motivation for physical activity. Moreover, the research includes information on whether there are gender differences in participating in physical activities. The research involved 257 students from the University of Maribor and the University of Ljubljana. In gathering the data, we used Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale (SGPALS), Exercise Self Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-E) and Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21). The results showed that male students more frequently do intensive physical activities compared to female students also they have more internal motivation for those activities comparing to female students. The individuals with internal motivation for doing physical activities do those activities more intensively compared to individuals with external motivation. Nevertheless, multiple regression showed that a lower intensity of physical activity is not a key factor for predicting signs of depression. The internal motivation for doing physical activities indicates itself as the most important factor for predicting signs of depression. The analysis did not show any significant differences between external motivation and depression between female and male students.
Databáze: OpenAIRE