Fabrication of CNC milling machine for wood and soft metals

Autor: Kodrič, Nejc
Přispěvatelé: Šafarič, Riko, Tič, Vito
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Cilj diplomskega dela je bil preveriti znanje, pridobljeno v času šolanja, in svoje sposobnosti sestave celotnega sistema CNC. Delo predstavlja, kako izdelamo stroj od začetka in sestavimo sistem, ki bo uporaben za izdelovanje različnih izdelkov. Povezali smo krmilni del stroja CNC, ki poskrbi, da stroj iz uporabniških vmesnikov na računalnikih prek sodobne tehnologije USB na podlagi sestavljenega vezja pridobi ukaze gibov na motorjih, ti pa povzročijo gibanje stroja v koordinatnih smereh. Mehanski del stroja to gibanje motorjev pretvori v linearne pomike. Jeklene konstrukcije so zaradi lastne mase manj izpostavljene tresljajem celotnega sistema, zato so primernejša za uporabo. Zaradi teže gibanja mostu po osi Y je bilo treba zamenjati predvidena šibkejša vodila, ki so povzročala tresljaje pri gibanju, z debelejšimi vodili, saj se je razdalja med ležaji v tej smeri povečala. Krmilni del sestavlja celoto, ki je potrebna, da se vsi izvršeni ukazi operaterja uspešno zaključijo. Po končani izdelavi je bilo treba opraviti testiranja in preizkus pravokotnosti stroja, zato da smo pridobili podatke o odstopanju, saj na podlagi teh lahko sistem popravimo in izboljšamo. The goal of my Thesis was to check knowledge gained from school and my basic ability to assemble and connect all parts of the CNC system. In my Thesis there is presented how to assemble and build the whole system from the beginning till the end when we can use it to make all kind of product. We connected the controlling part of CNC machine which ensures that from user interfaces on computers via modern USB technology, on the basis of integrated circuits, it acquires commands of motions on motors, which causes the machine to move in coordinated directions. The mechanical part of the machine transforms the movement of motors to linear movements. Steel structures are less exposed to the vibration of the entire system due to their own weight. Due to the movement of the massive weight on the bridge on the Y axis, it was needed to replace assumed weaker leads with thicker leads because of the increased distance between bearings in the same direction, which were causing vibrations at movement. The control part forms the whole thing, which is necessary for all executed commands from user to complete successfully. When the building mode was over we needed to test and measure machine if there is any deviations so that we can repair and improve the whole thing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE