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V diplomskem delu smo predstavili starostnika, dnevno varstvo v socialno varstvenem zavodu, storitve ki jih ponujajo v zavodu, ter druge oblike varstva za starejše. Poudarjena je vloga medicinske sestre, ki se srečuje s starostniki v dnevnem varstvu, kjer ima najpomembnejšo nalogo zagotavljanja kakovosti življenja s pomočjo prizadevanj za pospeševanje in ohranitev zdravja. Pri empiričnem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno-opisno metodo dela. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika, ki je obsegal 18 vprašanj. Anketo smo izvedli v mesecu marcu 2009 s pomočjo starostnikov, ki obiskujejo dnevno varstvo v Domu ob Savinji Celje. Cilj raziskovalnega dela naloge je bil predstaviti oblike bivanja starostnikov s poudarkom na dnevnem varstvu in zadovoljstvu uporabnikov s storitvami, ki jih ponuja dnevni center. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali so uporabniki dnevnega varstva zadovoljni s storitvami, ki jih ponuja dnevni center, kakšno je njihovo počutje v dnevnem varstvu in kateri so najpogostejši vzroki za bivanje v dnevnem varstvu. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 20 naključno izbranih starostnikov nad 65 let. Rezultati so pokazali, da je večina starejših zadovoljna z bivanjem in obravnavo in da se v dnevnem varstvu počutijo zelo dobro, kot najpogostejši vzrok za bivanje v dnevnem varstvu pa so navedli nezmožnost samooskrbe. Iz raziskave je tudi razvidno, da starostnikom bivanje v dnevnem varstvu omogoča daljše bivanje v domačem okolju. This diploma thesis deals with the elderly, a day-care nursing in a social welfare institution, services provided in such an institution and other forms of care for the elderly. Emphasised is the role of a nurse who is meeting the elderly in their day-care centres where she has the most important task of ensuring the quality of life by helping the elderly improve or maintain good health. In the empirical part, we used the descriptive method of research. Data were collected through an anonymous questionnaire which contained 18 questions. The questionnaire was completed in March 2009 by the elderly who were in the Dom ob Savinji Celje day-care centre. The aim of the research part of the thesis was to present the forms of living of the elderly with an emphasis on day care and users’ satisfaction with the services provided in a day-care centre. We wanted to find out, through this survey, if the users of a day-care centre are satisfied with the services provided in a day-care centre, how they feel in day care and what the most frequent reasons for their living in a day-care centre were. 20 randomly chosen elderly people above 65 years old participated in the survey. The results have shown that the majority of the elderly is satisfied with their living and care, and that they feel very well in a day-care centre. According to them, the most frequent reason for their living in a day-care centre was being unable to take care of themselves. The survey also shows that, by living in a day-care centre, the elderly can therefore also live longer in their home environment. |