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V diplomskem delu so naprej predstavljeni zavorna oprema železniških vozil, revizija zavor ter vitalni zavorni sklopi. Vsa železniška vozila morajo biti opremljena s samodejnimi zračnimi zavorami. Delovanje se krmili iz osrednjega mesta z zaviralnikom. Nadaljuje se s splošno razlago o vzdrževanju zavor, brezhibnosti zavor, nadzoru, popravilu, vgradnji, zamenjavi in skladiščenju, zaščiti, pregledu zavornih diskov, čelnih pip ter zavornih pnevmatskih spojnih cevi in preskusom parkirnih zavor ter tesnosti zračnih naprav. Opisana je vitka proizvodnja. Izmed petih različnih metod je bila izbrana metoda 5S, ki jo je mogoče izboljšati. Metoda 5S je bila razdeljena na pet delov, vsak posebej pa je bil razčlenjen. Prikazano je, kolikokrat se uporabljajo najpomembnejše potrebščine. Pri tem je bilo opaženo, da je pri boljši organizaciji mogoč prihranek časa. Opisani so metoda »točno ob pravem času«, Kanban, metoda SMED in sedem vrst izgube. Predstavljeni so revizija RZ-3 in roki vzdrževanja lokomotive serije 642/643, prikazan obseg vzdrževalnih del ter prilagojene pnevmatske zavorne opreme. Dodane so tudi priloge, ki prikazujejo vse pomembnejše meritve, ki se opravijo v reviziji RZ-3. This diploma thesis opens with a presentation of the braking equipment of railway vehicles, the inspection of brakes, and the vital braking assemblies. All railway vehicles must be equipped with automatic air brakes. Their operation is controlled from the cab with a brake valve. The thesis continues with a general explanation of the maintenance of brakes the flawlessness of brakes monitoring, repairs, installation, replacement and storage protection and inspection of brake discs, end cocks and pneumatic coupling brake hoses and the testing of parking brakes and the air tightness of air devices. It describes lean production. Of the five different methods available, the 5S method was chosen with the belief that it could be improved. The 5S method was divided into five parts, each of which was then analysed. The thesis shows how often the most important requisites are used. It describes the “Just-in-Time” method, Kanban, the SMED method, and the Seven Wastes. It takes an in-depth look at an inspection of an RZ-3 vehicle, 642/643 series, and demonstrates the scope of maintenance works and adapted pneumatic braking equipment. The attachments added to the thesis show all the important measurements carried out during an inspection of RZ-3. |