Introduction of storage information system in production company
Autor: | Režonja, Ivan |
Přispěvatelé: | Lerher, Tone, Uršič, Duško |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2016 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Maribor |
Popis: | Prihod novih tehnologij zdruţenih v pojem Industrija 4.0, in uvajanje smernic v podjetje prinaša v proizvodnjo pa tudi skladišče novo vrsto povezav in komunikacije med stroji, napravami in ljudmi. V bliţnji prihodnosti se nam obeta nova industrijska revolucija, ki bo v celoti v skupno mreţo (ang. Network) povezala stroje, naprave, storitve in ljudi. Za nemoteno in učinkovito delovanje skladišča potrebuje podjetje sodobni skladiščni informacijski sistem, ki ustrezno obvlada skladiščne procese (sprejem blaga, identifikacija blaga, komisioniranje itn.). Predvsem razvoj novih tehnologij za evidentiranje blaga in njihova zmoţnost uporabe zahtevata uporabo informacijskih sistemov, ki so korak s časom. Konkurenčnost v skladiščnem poslovanju si proizvodno podjetje lahko zagotavlja le z uporabo sodobnih skladiščnih informacijskih sistemov, ki so pripravljeni na nove tehnologije. Eden takih informacijskih sistemov je SAP HANA, ki je sposoben hitro obdelovati velike količine podatkov ter povezati naprave, proizvodne in poslovne procese ter ljudi. Ključno nalogo za uspešno uvajanje novih tehnologij bo imel management, ki bo moral prepoznati prednosti posameznih naprednih tehnologij in z njihovim uvajanjem v poslovanje zagotoviti dolgoročen obstoj podjetja na globalnem trgu ter kontinuiran razvoj posameznih področij v podjetju. Razvoj novih tehnologij in informacijskih sistemov ter njihova uvedba v skladiščno poslovanje bosta omogočila razbremenitev zaposlenih v skladišču, vendar pa bodo za obvladovanje sodobnih tehnologij potrebni tudi dodatna znanja in spretnosti, ki bodo omogočili interakcijo človek – stroj. The arrival of new technology, combined with the concept of Industry 4.0 and the introduction of its guidelines in the company, brings a new type of connection and communication between machines, devices and people in production and storage. In the near future we can count on a new industrial revolution, which will form a common network connecting machines, devices, services as well as people. For smooth and efficient warehousing operations, the company needs a modern storage warehouse information system to adequately handle the storage processes (receiving goods, identification of stock, stock selection, etc.) Above all, the development of new technology for recording goods and their ability to be used requires the use of information systems, which move with the times. The manufacturing company can only achieve competitiveness in warehousing operations by using modern storage information systems that are ready for new technology. One of these information systems is SAP HANA, which is able to process large amounts of data at a speed and connect devices, production and business processes as well as people. The key task for the successful introduction of new technology will be made by the management, who will have to recognize the advantages of certain advanced technologies and their introduction into the business to ensure the long-term existence of the company on global markets and a continued development of individual areas of the company. The development of new technology and information systems and their introduction into warehousing will allow the relief of storage personnel. However, in order to cope with modern technology, additional skills and knowledge will be required that will enable human-machine interaction. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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