Morphological and molecular analyses of individual genotypes from the group of Epipactis helleborine s.l. in the region of Goričko

Autor: Ivanuš, Anja
Přispěvatelé: Urbanek Krajnc, Andreja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Močvirnice (rod Epipactis) predstavljajo taksonomsko zapleteno skupino nižjih taksonov znotraj družine kukavičevk. Težave pri identifikaciji in taksonomskem razvrščanju povzročajo velike razlike v morfoloških in fenotipskih lastnostih in ožja genetska sorodnost taksonov, ki je bila do sedaj slabo raziskana. Močvirnice v Sloveniji do sedaj še niso bile vključene v molekulske raziskave. Namen magistrske naloge je bil sistematično obdelati morfološke značilnosti osebkov iz različnih populacij na območju Goričkega. Proučene osebke smo glede na morfološke značilnosti hipotetično uvrstili v oblikovni krog širokolistne močvirnice. Med osebki znotraj populacij in med populacijami smo ugotovili statistično značilne razlike v dolžini plodnice in medene ustne (hipohil, epihil) ter v dolžini in širini čašnih in venčnih listov. Na podlagi morfoloških podatkov, povzetih po literaturi, smo za posamezne morfotipe iz Goričkega, izdelali model, na podlagi katerega smo jih glede na uporabljene morfološke parametre uvrstili v pripadajoče vrste. S pretočno citometrijo smo na podlagi velikosti genoma proučene osebke razvrstili v tri homogene skupine. Uporaba AFLP molekulskih markerjev se je izkazala kot zelo koristna pri razvrščanju ožje sorodnih morfotipov, medtem ko je bila uporaba ITS koristna le pri razvrščanju višjih taksonomskih skupin. V magistrski nalogi je zajet le manjši sklop večletnih raziskav, ki so še v teku. Rezultati so pokazali, da je pri reševanju taksonomskih odnosov znotraj rodu Epipactis ključna uporaba ustrezne kombinacije molekulskih in morfoloških markerjev. The helleborines (the genus Epipactis) represent a complex group of lower taxa within the Orchidaceae family. Problems associated with identification and taxonomic classification are considered to be mainly due to big differences in morphological and phenotypic properties and close genetic relationships among taxa, and have not been studied much so far. The broad-leaved helleborines in Slovenia have not yet been included in molecular studies. The main objective of this master's thesis was to analyse crucial morphological characteristics of specimens from different populations from the Goričko region (SE Slovenia). Based on morphological characteristics, the investigated specimens were hypothetically classified into the group of broad-leaved heleborines. We documented significant differences within and between populations in the length of ovary, hypochil and epychil, and in the length and width of sepals and petals. For individual morphotypes from Goričko, we developed a model based on the morphological data taken from literature, which enabled us to classify them to corresponding species. With the flow cytometry, based on the genome size, the studied specimens were divided into three homogeneous groups. The use of AFLPs proved to be very useful in classifying closely related morphotypes, while the use of ITS was helpful only in classifying higher taxonomic groups. The master's thesis includes only a limited part of a long-term investigation that is still ongoing. The results showed that the use of an appropriate combination of molecular and morphological markers is crucial for the clarification of the taxonomic relationships within the genus Epipactis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE