Cartels and their persecution by antitrust authorities

Autor: Hren, Matic
Přispěvatelé: Bekő, Jani
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Prosti trg, ki temelji na konkurenčnosti in pravičnosti, je eden izmed pogojev za družbeni napredek. V sodobni družbi so pogost pojav kartelni dogovori, z namenom povečevanja dobička in tržne moči, ki onemogočajo pravično delovanje trga in zvišujejo cene dobrin. V večini držav so kartelni dogovori prepovedani, preganjajo pa jih varuhi konkurence. Iz tega vidika izhaja tudi naše raziskovalno delo, ki proučuje, v kakšnih okoliščinah nastajajo karteli, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na uspešno delovanje kartela in kakšne posledice imajo karteli za družbo. V tem diplomskem projektu so predstavljene oblike konkurence, povezane s kartelnimi dogovori in aktivnosti varuhov konkurence pri preganjanju kartelov in monopolnih praks. V našem diplomskem projektu smo potrdili obe hipotezi, ki se nanašata na učinkovitost pregona kartelnih praks in zagotavljanja konkurenčnosti v Združenih državah Amerike in Evropske unije. Pri potrjevanju hipotez smo pojasnili tudi bistvene razlike med protimonopolno politiko omenjenih gospodarskih območij. A free market, which is based on competitiveness and equity, is one of the conditions needed for the society to thrive. Today, however, cartel agreements are a frequent practice amongst firms in order to increase profits and market power, thus preventing the functionality of the market and increasing general price levels of the goods. In most countries, cartel agreements are banned and persecuted by antitrust institutions. The basis of our diploma is built on the circumstances under which cartels are formed, explaining the factors that constitute a cartel as such and the consequences of cartel existence on the society. Our diploma thesis presents the forms of competiton related to cartel agreements and activities of antitrust authorities in the pursuit of cartels and monopoly practices. We have confirmed both of the foreset hypotheses concerning the effectiveness of the persecution of forementioned agreements and practices in an attempt to ensure a free, competitive market in the United States and European Union. The essential differences between the antitrust policy of these economic areas have also been explained.
Databáze: OpenAIRE