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V diplomski nalogi Vpliv plavanja na senzomotorični razvoj otrok smo želeli ugotoviti vpliv plavanja na senzomotorični razvoj otroka. V teoretičnem delu smo podrobneje predstavili pomen plavanja, vpliv plavanja na otroka, nato smo se osredotočili na senzomotorični razvoj otrok, in sicer kinestetično, vidno, slušno, ravnotežno in taktilno čutno področje, vpliv plavanja na senzomotorični razvoj otroka. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate motoričnih testov in si zastavili raziskovalna vprašanja. Podatke smo pridobili s kavzalno-neeksperimentalno metodo, kjer smo na podlagi rezultatov motoričnih testov preverjali neodvisne zveze med otroci, ki trenirajo plavanje in otroci, ki ne trenirajo plavanja. V raziskavi smo uporabili neslučajnostni vzorec iz konkretne populacije sestavljalo 40 otrok, 20 otrok plavalnega kluba Fužinar Ravne na Koroškem in 20 otrok vrtca Dravograd. V vsaki skupini je bilo 10 deklic in 10 dečkov, starih od 5 do 7 let. Testiranje smo izvedli v telovadnici plavalnega kluba Fužinar Ravne na Koroškem in v telovadnici vrtca Dravograd. Podatke smo kvantitativno obdelali z deskriptivno statistiko in bivariatno analizo. Rezultati obdelave so potrdili naše predpostavljene hipoteze, da imajo otroci, ki trenirajo plavanje, boljše razvito senozmotoriko od otrok, ki plavanja ne trenirajo. The diploma thesis Effects of Swimming on Sensomotoric Development of Children focuses on identifying the swimming activity effect on the children's sensomotoric development. In the theoretical part the main focus is on the importance of swimming, the effects of swimming on the child and the sensomotoric development of children. Afterwards, the focus is mainly on identifying the swimming activity effect on kinaesthetic, visual, oral, balance and tactile sensory development area, as well as the child’s sensomotoric development in whole. The results confirmed that swimming positively effects on integrated child development and their sensomotorics. The empirical part is based on three motor ability tests used to observe differences in sensomotorics in children practising swimming, and children not practising swimming. The test results showed that the children practising swimming develop better sensomotoric abilities than those not practising swimming. The sensomotoric abilities have beneficial effect on children’s development in the preschool period. Therefore, it is crucial to start introducing swimming activities to children in their early postnatal period. In this study we used a non-random sample from the specific population of 40 children consisting of 20 children from swimming club Fužinar Ravne na Koroškem and 20 children from Dravograd kindergarten. In every group there were 10 girls and 10 boys, aged from 5 to 7. The testing was carried out in the Fužinar Ravne na Koroškem swimming club’s gym and in Dravograd kindergarten’s gym. The data was quantitatively analysed with descriptive statistics and bivariate analyses. The results confirmed our null hypotheses showing that children practising swimming develop better sensomotoric abilities than those not practising swimming. |