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Samomor je namerno in zavestno uničenje lastnega življenja. V preiskavi nenadne in sumljive smrti je potrebno poskušati sestaviti neko logično zgodbo, potek dogajanja pred in tudi v času smrti. Če manjka preveč delčkov v tej zgodbi, je to zagotovo znak, da se ni zgodilo tako, kot je videti na prvi pogled. Samomor je lahko fingiran. Fingiranih samomorov v Sloveniji ni veliko, se pa dogajajo, zato morajo biti kriminalisti pozorni pri vsaki preiskavi smrti ali samomora, da tega ne bi spregledali oziroma da ne bi spregledali kaznivega dejanja umora. Bistvenega pomena pri preiskovanju fingiranih samomorov je torej kriminalistično mišljenje, saj morajo biti preiskovalci pri svojem delu zavzeti za vse vrste informacij, ki na prvi pogled niso takoj vidne. Gre za veliko drobnih podrobnosti, ki jih izkušeni preiskovalci prepoznajo in storilec bi moral biti dober scenograf, da bi pripravil/pretvarjal kraj dejanja in izvršitev tako natančno in brez napak. V največ primerih se izkaže, da po izvršenem umoru in pri fingiranju samomora morilec ni mislil na čisto vse podrobnosti, kot to počnejo samomorilci pri samomorih. V diplomskem delu po teoretični opredelitvi podrobneje predstavljamo vrste samomorov ter možnosti njihovega fingiranja. Suicide is an intentional and conscious destruction of your own life. When it comes to the investigation of a sudden or suspicious death, it is necessary to try to compose a logical story – a course of events before and at the time of death. If there are too many pieces missing from the story, this is usually a sign that what it looks like to have happened has not really happened. Suicide may be simulated. In the Republic of Slovenia a simulated suicide is a rare occurrence but it happens and that is why criminal investigators must investigate each death and suicide very carefully. It is important not to overlook any possibility of a homicide. In the investigation of a simulated suicide, criminal thinking is essential, which means that the investigators in their work have to take into account all kinds of information – even those which at first glance are not immediately visible. These are a lot of tiny details that experienced investigators can identify the perpetrator would have to be a good scenographer to prepare / design the place of the act and commit the action itself so accurately without any mistakes. In most cases it turns out that after the murder is executed and the suicide simulated, the murderer does not consider all the details with which genuine suicides are committed. The dissertation provides a theoretical definition of a suicide and offers a detailed presentation of the types and the possibilities of their simulation. |