Autor: Šmigoc, Patricija
Přispěvatelé: Čančer, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Vsako podjetje potrebuje računovodske storitve, ki so za poslovanje nujne. Zato morajo pretehtati odločitev, ali najeti osebo oz. računovodski servis in jim prepustiti vodenje računovodskih storitev, ali pa zaposliti osebo v svojem podjetju, ki bo skrbela za tovrstne storitve, ali pa oboje kombinirajo. Prav na podlagi tega problema temelji to delo diplomskega projekta, saj vemo, da imajo finance, čas, primerno izobražen kader itd. odločilen vpliv pri tako pomembni odločitvi. Zato smo izbrali primeren računovodski servis X, kjer vodijo kombinirano in celotno računovodstvo, ter tri mala in srednje velika podjetja, ki so stranke tega računovodskega servisa. Natančneje je v delu diplomskega projekta teoretično in praktično obravnavano večkriterijsko merjenje preferenc uporabnikov v računovodskem servisu X, kjer se lahko uporabniki odločajo, ali izbrati kombinirano ali celotno računovodenje. Pri tej izbiri upoštevajo svoje preference, na podlagi katerih smo merili vrednosti alternativ glede na kriterije. Naš ključni cilj je bil zajeti preference uporabnikov, nato pa proces večkriterijskega odločanja izvesti z računalniškim programom Web-HIPRE. Za pridobitev potrebnih podatkov je bil izveden tudi intervju z uporabniki računovodskega servisa X. Ugotovili smo, da uporabniki računovodskemu servisu X raje prepustijo v opravljanje celotno računovodenje, saj s tem privarčujejo denar in čas, obenem pa se tako izognejo tveganju, da bi jim računovodske storitve opravljal neizobražen kader. Every company needs accounting services that are necessary for a business. Therefore, it has to consider the decision whether to hire a person and accounting firm respectively, and to leave them the keeping of accounting services or to employ a person in their company who will be responsible for such services or both combined. The diploma project work is based precisely on this problem, since we know that finances, time, adequately qualified personnel, etc. have a decisive influence in such an important decision. For this reason we have selected a suitable accounting firm X, where they keep combined and complete accounting, as well as three small and medium-sized companies that are the customers of this accounting firm. In this diploma project work we deal with, both theoretically and practically, the multi-criteria measuring of the preferences of users in the accounting firm X, where users can decide whether to choose between the combined or the complete accounting. With this option, they consider their preferences, which were the basis for measuring the values of the alternatives according to the criteria. Our key objective was to capture these users' preferences and then to carry out the process of the multi-criteria decision-making with the computer program Web-HIPRE. We also conducted an interview with the users of the accounting firm X to obtain necessary data. It was found out that users rather entrust the complete accounting to the accounting service X, as this alternative will save them time and money, while also avoiding the risk that their accounting services would be performed by an uneducated personnel.
Databáze: OpenAIRE