WikiLeaks teroristična organizacija - da ali ne? : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo

Autor: Livojević, Luka
Přispěvatelé: Miklavčič, Marjan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: V diplomski nalogi je prikazan celotne potek afere WikiLeaks, pred in po izdaji tajnih dokumentov. V prvem delu sem napisal nekaj on internetnem terorizmu in tajnih dokumentih za lažje razumevanje diplomske naloge. Kaj je to kibernetski prostor in kako se ga uporablja. V nadaljevanju sem prešel na glavnega akterja zgodbe Juliana Assangeea. Opisal sem njegovo odraščanje in mladost, ki je imelo nanj velik vpliv. Prav zaradi nenehnih selitev v mladosti je bil pripravljen zapustiti mesto, stanovanje, hotel v nekaj minutah. Opisal sem tudi njegov preboj v hekerski svet, ki mu je pomagal pri nastanku spletne strani WikiLeaks. Kmalu je sledil vzpon z nekaj zgodbami o švicarskih bankah, plačanih umorih, odlaganju nevarnih odpadkov in še bi lahko naštevali. Dodatno prepoznavnost so WikiLeaksu dali še iraški in afganistanski vojni dnevniki, ki so govorili o preizkušanju novega orožja ameriške vojske, o oddelkih smrti, ki so jih do takrat Američani ostro zavračali, o pobojih nedolžnih civilistov z strani prestrašenih ameriških in britanskih vojakov, o slabo vodeni vojni, ki ni imela ne repa ne glave, pa vse do tega, da sta Afganistan in Irak še daleč od demokratične samostojne države. Na vrhu svojih moči, ko so bile vse oči uprte v WikiLeaks pa so objavili še diplomatske depeše ameriških veleposlaništev. Vse skupaj zajema kar 250 tisoč internih sporočil z 280 različnih veleposlaništev in konzulatov po vsem svetu. Večina depeš je razkrivala, kar jih je večina že vedela, a kljub temu so bile depeše, ki so razdelile in razburkale javnost. Od tega, da je Hilary Clinton prisluškovala članom OZNa do tega, da Kitajska ne podpira Severne Koreje do te mere kot jo je prej. V zadnjem delu pa sem se osredotočil, na posledice objave depeš tako za WikiLeaks in Juliana Assanaga kot za celoten svet. Te pa bodo kot kaže veliko hujše za ustanovitelja WikiLeaksa Juliana Assangeea in domnevnega informatorja Bradlya Manninga, kot za ZDA, ki jim je razkritje v nekaterih pogledih celo pomagalo. In my thesis the whole course of action in the Wiki Leaks affair is shown, before and after the exposure of the secret documents. The first part contains something about the internet terrorism and secret documents in order to enable easier understanding of the remainder of the thesis. It contains information about what cybernetic space is and how it is used. I then move on to the main character of the story, Julian Assange. I describe his growing up and youth which influenced him greatly. The constant moving forced him to leave town, apartment or a hotel in a matter of minutes. I also describe his break-through into the world of hacking, which helped him in creating the Wiki Leaks website. Soon Assange’s rise to the top followed with a few stories regarding Swiss banks, contract kills, disposal of dangerous waste etc. Additional recognisability was gained by stories revealing Iraqi and Afghan diaries, which have revealed the testing of new American army’s weapons, death squads, which were until that time strongly denied by the Americans, about mass murders of innocent civilians by scared American and British soldiers, about badly managed war, which had nor head nor tail and finally about the fact that Afghanistan and Iraq are far from a democratic country. At the height of its power, when everyone was watching Wiki Leaks then leaked the diplomatic cables of American embassies. They contained 250 000 of internal communication from 280 different embassies and consulates all over the world. The majority of the Diplomatic cables revealed information previously already known to wider public, however some diplomatic cables which upset and divided the public were also included. The latter contained information such as the information that Hillary Clinton was spying on the members of UN or that Chinese support of North Korea is not as strong as it was in the past. In the final part I focus on the consequences that the publicising of the diplomatic cables will have for WikiLeaks, Jullian Assange and the rest of the world. The consequences will be, as it seems, far direr for the founder of Wiki Leaks Julian Assange and the alleged informant Bradley Manning then for the USA which seemed to have, in many aspects, gained from the exposure.
Databáze: OpenAIRE