The class mentor and class meetings from the students perspective

Autor: Jovič, Ksenja
Přispěvatelé: Vršnik Perše, Tina
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V magistrskem delu z naslovom Razrednik in razredna ura z vidika učencev nas je zanimalo, kaj učenci menijo o razredniku in razrednih urah. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej opredelili osnovne pojme, povezane z razredništvom. Zanimalo nas je, kako je pojem opredeljen v zakonodaji in katere vloge ter kakšne naloge opravlja razrednik. Nekatere naloge razrednika so prijetne, druge pa nekoliko manj. Ugotovili smo, da se mora učitelj za vlogo razrednika usposabljati in razvijati svoje kompetence. Usposabljanje razrednika poteka na različne načine, šola pa jih mora pri tem podpirati. Posvetili smo se oddelku in uram oddelčne skupnosti, ki jih imenujemo tudi razredne ure. Spoznali smo, da oddelek sestavljajo učenci podobne starosti in predznanja, ki jih vodi učitelj – razrednik. Zanimali so nas namen razrednih ur in njihove značilnosti ter kako se pripraviti nanje. Ker razredne ure vplivajo na razredno klimo, smo nekaj besed namenili tudi tej temi in na splošno vodenju oddelka. Razrednik mora ustvariti dobro voden razred, kar bistveno poenostavi učenje in poučevanje. Spodbudno učno okolje se povezuje z dosežki učencev in s pozitivnimi odnosi med njimi, kar ustvarja pozitivno klimo. Razrednik se mora torej na razrednih urah poleg obravnave aktualnih vsebin posvetiti tudi medsebojnim odnosom. Če vse skupaj sklenemo v celoto, so v dobro vodenem oddelku dobri medsebojni odnosi, kar vpliva na pozitivno klimo, to pa zagotavlja boljše učno okolje in dosežke. Razrednik kot vodja se lahko tako tudi nenehno izboljšuje. V empiričnem delu so nas zanimale želje učencev glede razrednih ur ter njihov pogled na delo in lastnosti razrednika. O istih področjih smo povprašali tudi anketirane razredničarke, da smo odgovore učencev lahko primerjali z njihovimi odgovori. Ugotovili smo, da so učenci zadovoljni s pogostostjo in trajanjem razrednih ur, želeli pa bi si tudi razrednih ur zunaj učilnice. Rezultati kažejo, da učenci večinoma lahko predlagajo teme za razredne ure. Na razrednih urah se večinoma počutijo prijetno in na njih rešijo večino težav. In this master thesis we were interested in students’ opinion about the class teacher and class meetings. In the theoretical part we first defined the basic concepts related to class meetings and class teacher. We were interested in how the term is defined in the legislation and what tasks do the class teacher have. Some of the tasks are pleasant, others not so much. We found out that the teacher must train and develop his competences to become a good class teacher. This is done in various ways and schools need to provide support for the teachers. We focused on class meetings lead by class teacher and found out that students there are of similar pre-knowledge and age. We were interested in the purpose of class meetings and their characteristics and how to prepare for them. Since class meetings affect classroom climate, we also devoted a few words to this topic and to the overall management of the class. The class teacher should create a well-managed class of students, because learning and teaching is much easier that way. Having a stimulating learning environment is linked to students' achievements and positive relationships between them, which also creates a positive classroom climate. The class teacher should, therefore, also focus on relationships in the class. We can conclude that in a well-managed class of students, there are good relationships which contribute to good classroom climate, which brings a better learning environment and better achievements. The class teacher can also constantly improve in that way. In the empirical part, we were interested in students’ wishes regarding class meetings and their opinion about their class mentor. We also asked class mentor similar questions, so we could compare students’ answers to theirs. We found out that students are satisfied with the frequency and the duration of class meetings, but they would like for them to be sometimes held outside the classroom. The results show that students can suggest the topic of class meetings and declare what they want to talk about. They mostly feel comfortable and solve most of the problems during that time.
Databáze: OpenAIRE