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Diplomsko delo Primerjava izbranih pridig Petra Pavla Glavarja s sodobno pridigo predstavlja življenje Petra Pavla Glavarja (1721–1784), njegovo literarno dediščino in analizo literarnoteoretičnih pojmov, ki so značilni za avtorjeve pridige. Peter Pavel Glavar je v slovenskem prostoru prepoznan kot prizadevni kulturni in pastoralni delavec, zato se tudi v njegovih pridigah odražajo prizadevanja za narodov blagor. V teoretičnem delu so podane najznačilnejše medbesedilne figure v času baroka, ki jih je izpostavil literarni teoretik Marko Juvan, na osnovi česar v nadaljevanju naloge ugotavljamo zastopanost retoričnih in pripovednih prvin. Primerjava Glavarjevih izbranih pridig s sodobno Mozetičevo pridigo Novo leto 2016 obravnava tudi skupne značilnosti glede na zgradbo. Podane aktualizacije v analiziranih pridigah Glavarja in Mozetiča prinašajo informacije o tem, kako se je božja beseda povezovala z življenjem ljudi nekoč in danes. Med sodobno in baročnimi pridigami je na prvi pogled več razlik kot skupnih značilnosti, vendar je z analizo prikazano, da tudi sodobna pridiga zajema iz zakladnice kulturnega izročila, božja beseda iz svetopisemske predloge še vedno nagovarja vernike, kako naj živijo, za kar pridigarja uporabljata medbesedilne in retorične figure. Vendar se zdi, da je danes bolj kot nekoč upravičena tudi osnovna razlaga življenja v luči vere. The graduation thesis A Comparison of Peter Pavel Glavar’s Selected Sermons (Homilies) with a Contemporary Sermon (Homily) presents the life of Peter Pavel Glavar (1721–1784), his literary legacy and an analysis of the literary-theoretical concepts, which are characteristic of his sermons. In the Slovenian space, Peter Pavel Glavar is known as a zealous cultural and pastoral worker, therefore his endeavours for the nation’s well-being are also reflected in his sermons. The theoretical part includes those typical baroque features, which were set out by the literary theoretician Marko Juvan. Based on that, we then analyse the representation of the rhetorical and narrative elements. The comparison of Peter Pavel Glavar’s selected sermons (Homilies) with the contemporary Mozetič’s sermon New Year 2016 also discusses the common structural features. The given actualisations of the analysed sermons of Glavar and Mozetič bear evidence of how God’s word has been connected with the life of the people both then and now. At first glance there are more differences than common features between the baroque and contemporary sermons (homilies), however the analysis shows that the contemporary sermon also gathers from the tradition of the cultural treasure trove, God’s word from the biblical source material still addresses the believers, tells them how to live, and for that the preachers use intertextual and rhetorical figures. Yet it seems that the basic explanation of life in the light of religion is now more justified than ever. |