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V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali organiziranje in planiranje proizvodnje pohištva. Trenutno obvladovanje procesov in planiranja vseh aktivnosti je potekalo po znanju in zmožnostih lastnika. Obvladovanje procesov znotraj podjetja je potekalo v papirnati in ustni obliki. V podjetju je pogosto prihajalo do nepotrebnih zamud, ki so bile posledica slabega vodenja in planiranja. V veliki meri so nastajale izgube zaradi neustreznega planiranja aktivnosti in nepreglednosti nad celotnim podjetjem. Težavo za rast in razvoj podjetja predstavljajo omejena sredstva in znanje. V proučevanem podjetju smo se posvetili proučevanju trenutnega stanja, s katerim smo določili neustrezne in pomankljive aktivnosti. Analiza je pokazala, da je najprej potrebno urediti delovna mesta ter nato optimizirati vse procese, ki se izvajajo pri izdelavi pohištva. Trenutno stanje konkurence narekuje hud boj med ponudniki, saj je povpraševanje manjše od ponudbe. Lastnik je zaznal potrebo po izboljšanju procesov v podjetju, ki smo jo v nalogi predstavili z optimizacijo procesov in uvedbo informacijskega orodja. Optimizirali smo glavne in stranske aktivnosti v podjetju ter nadgradili vzdževanje in varnost. Na koncu naloge smo podali rezultate, ki smo jih preko analize procesov obravnavali v nalogi. Lastnik mora vzdrževati in poskušati nadgrajevati stanje, ki smo ga uvedli v procesu optimiziranja podjetja. Predstavljen in priporočen je bil predlog o uvedbi informacijskega orodja Birokrat. Orodje Birokrat, bi v podjetju izboljšalo preglednost nad procesi in aktvnostmi ter pripomoglo k večji kakovosti in hitrosti izdelave izdelkov In this thesis, we deal with organizing and planning the production of furniture. At the moment process management and planning of all activities are taking place with the knowledge and abilities of the owner. Management processes within the company took place in paper and in oral forms. In the company often occurred unnecessary delays which were caused by poor management and planning. In most cases losses occurred due to inadequate planning of activities and lack of transparency in the entire company. The problem for the growth and development of the company represent limited resources and expertise. In the company we studied current situation, on which we determined unfit and lack of activities. Analysis has shown that it is first necessary to arrange jobs and then optimize all the processes that run in the manufacture of furniture. Current state of competition requires a tough fight between providers because the demand is lower than supply. The owner has detected a need to improve processes within the company, which we present in this task with optimization of processes and introduction of information tools. We optimized the principal and secondary activities of the company and upgraded maintenance and security. At the end of the tasks we will have given the results which we got through the analysis of the processes discussed in this paper. The owner must maintain and seek to build the state, which was introduced in the process of optimizing the company. We featured and recommended the proposal for the establishment of an information tool Birokrat. Birokrat would improve the transparency of processes and activities and contribute to improve the quality and speed of manufacture of the products. |