Autor: Svetec Leaney, Vanja
Přispěvatelé: Dežman, Zlatan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: Pravice žrtve in priče v mednarodnih kazenskih postopkih so novejše področje, ki postaja vedno bolj pomembno. Skozi analize in ugotovljene pomanjkljivosti sistemov mednarodnih pravnih in nacionalnih sistemov lahko pridemo do zelo zanimivih in ustreznih rešitev za naš nacionalni pravni red pri ureditvi področja pravic žrtev mednarodnih kaznivih dejanj, upoštevajoč pravice obdolženca do pravičnega in hitrega sojenja. Naloga temelji na analizi določb podlag Mednarodnega sodišča za vojne zločine na območju nekdanje Jugoslavije (v nadaljevanju ICTY), Mednarodnega kazenskega sodišča (v nadaljevanju ICC), našega nacionalnega reda RS ter sodni praksi vseh treh sistemov. Njen namen in cilj je pripomoči k boljšemu razumevanju lastnega pravnega sistema, postopkov in njegovih inštitutov ter k boljšemu razumevanju posebnosti mednarodnega kazenskega prava in mednarodnih kaznivih dejanj v luči pravic in obveznosti žrtev ter prič. Skozi pomankljivosti vsakega sistema smo prišli tudi do predlogov za spremembo oz. dopolnitve zakonodaje Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju RS).Dikcije mednarodnih dokumentov po večini niso samoizvršljive. Treba jih je prenesti oz. implementirati v nacionalni kaznovalni sistem. Pri tem se pojavijo vprašanja o ustreznosti ureditve tj. ali implementacija dejansko zagotavlja ustrezne rešitve, kot jih predvidevajo statuti in pravila mednarodnih sodišč, v tem primeru ICC in ICTY. Naloga zajema predstavitev ureditve položaja, pravic (vrste in oblike povrnitve škode) in obveznosti žrtve in priče v mednarodnih kazenskih postopkih ter slovenski kazenski zakonodaji, predstavitev in kritično opredelitev do stališč teorije v zvezi z navedeno tematiko, analizira primere iz sodne prakse, predvsem mednarodno pravne, ter je poskus odgovora ureditve pravic in dolžnosti žrtev in prič v primeru pregona mednarodnih kaznivih dejanj v povezavi z načelom komplementarnosti Rimskega statuta, načelom prvenstvenosti in pravili ICTY ter slovenske kazenske zakonodaje.ICC se v mednarodnem kazenskem sistemu bistveno razlikuje od ostalih mednarodno pravno kazenskih ureditev, saj poskuša uveljavljati načela restorativne pravičnosti (pravičnost je dosežena, ko se sliši glas žrtve in se njihovo trpljenje vzame v obzir pred sodiščem). ICTY ima v zvezi z zagotavljanjem pravic žrtvi kar nekaj pomanjkljivosti, ki pa jih je odpravil ICC. Po primerjalno pravni analizi vseh treh sistemov se je pokazalo, da slovenski pravni red ne ureja pravic žrtve genocida, kazniva dejanja zoper človečnost in vojne zločine drugače od pravic žrtev katerega koli kaznivega dejanja, čeprav so značilnosti mednarodnih kaznivih dejanj drugačne. Ustrezna ureditev pravic in statusa žrtve je nujna za zagotovitev učinkovitega pregona mednarodnih kaznivih dejanj. Diskurz o pravičnosti v mednarodnih kazenskih postopkih ni več omejen samo na obtoženca, pač pa vključuje tudi priznanje pravice drugih strank v postopku. V sklepnem delu so povzete ključne misli in ugotovitve, ki izhajajo iz primerjalne analize. Nacionalni pravni red RS še vedno zagotavlja več pravic žrtvam in pričam kot ostala dva mednarodno pravna sistema, upoštevajoč možnosti prevzema pregona s strani subsdiarnega tožilca ter pravico do udeležbe vsake žrtve v postopku in neomejevanjem pravic udeležbe žrtve na zastopanje s strani pravnega zastopnika. Vendar pa nacionalni sistem ni brez pomanjkljivosti. Izsledki te naloge lahko služijo kot uporabna informacija zakonodajalcu, saj mu je s strnjeno in izčrpno predstavitvijo pravic in obveznosti žrtve v kazenskem postopku omogočen vpogled v pomen oz. vsebino posameznih ureditev. V nalogi pa je tudi nakazano, v katerih določbah in za katere primere bi bilo treba nacionalno zakonodajo dopolniti. The rights of victims and witnesses in international criminal proceedings are a recent field, which is becoming increasingly important. Through analysis and the identified shortcomings of international and national legal systems we can ascertain some very interesting and relevant solutions for our national law for the regulation of the rights of victims of international crimes, taking into account the rights of the accused to a fair and speedy trial.My thesis is based on an analysis of the provisions under the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (hereinafter ICTY), the International Criminal Court (hereinafter ICC), national law of the Republic of Slovenia and the case law of all three systems. Its purpose and objective is to contribute to a better understanding of our own legal system and its procedures and institutes and to a better understanding the specifics of international criminal law and international criminal acts in light of the rights and obligations of victims and witnesses. The identification of disadvantages of each system has enabled us to propose some amendments of national law. Provisions of international documents are generally not self-executable. They must be implemented respectively in the national punitive system. In doing so, there are questions about the adequacy of or if implementation actually provides an appropriate solution as defined in the statutes and rules of international courts (ICTY and ICC).My thesis includes the provisions and regulations of status, rights (types and forms of reparation) and liabilities of victims and witnesses in international criminal proceedings and the Slovenian penal legislation. It also includes the presentation and critical definition of the theoretical views in relation to the subject, analysis of case law examples, in particular international ones. It is an attempt to answer how to the best defend the rights and duties of victims and witnesses in the prosecution of international crimes in connection with the principle of complementarity of the Rome Statute, the principle of the primacy of the ICTY and Slovenian criminal law.The ICC differs significantly from other international legal criminal organizations, as it tries to apply the principles of restorative justice (fairness is achieved when a voice for the victims is heard and their suffering is taken into account before a court). The ICTY has, with respect to ensuring the rights of victims, some shortcomings, which the ICC had abolished.The comparative legal analysis of all three systems displayed that Slovenian law does not regulate the rights of victims of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes differently than the rights of victims of any criminal offense, although the characteristics of international crimes are different.Appropriate regulation of the rights and status of victims is essential to ensure effective prosecution of international crimes. Discourse on justice in international criminal proceedings is no longer limited only to the accused but also includes the recognition of the rights of other parties to the proceedings.In the conclusion of the thesis the key thoughts and findings resulting from the comparative analysis are summarized. RS National legislation still provides more rights to victims and witnesses than the other two international criminal legal systems, taking into account the possibility of taking over the prosecution by a subsdiary prosecutor, the right of any victim to participate in the process and the non existing restriction of the participation rights of victims regarding legal counsel. However, the national system is not without drawbacks. The results of this thesis may serve as useful information for the legislature, since it is a concise and comprehensive presentation of the rights and obligations of victims in criminal proceedings and enables good insight into the interpretation and the content of the individual systems.
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