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Diplomsko delo se posveča poznavanju zlonamerne programske opreme ter poznavanju in uporabi protiukrepov med devetošolci. Danes si življenja in prostega časa ne znamo več predstavljati brez uporabe različnih elektronskih naprav, ki so postale sestavni del naših vsakodnevnih dejavnosti. Vse premalo pa se zavedamo nevarnosti, ki nas čakajo ob vsaki uporabi teh naprav. V teoretičnem delu so opisane razne nevarnosti, ki grozijo uporabnikom na spletu. Te zajemajo zlonamerno programsko opremo, ki jo napadalec namesti na žrtvino napravo, in nevarnosti, ki lahko uporabniku grozijo ob obisku spleta. Prikazani so sopreventivni in kurativni ukrepi, ki jih lahko uporabnik uporabi za zaščito pred zlonamerno programsko opremo oz. za njeno odstranitev. Poleg protiukrepov, ki jih lahko uporabnik izkoristi za svojo zaščito, so navedene tudi dobre prakse uporabe naprav na spletu, z uporabo katerih uporabnik zmanjša svojo ogroženost. Raziskovalni del se nanaša na konkretno poznavanje zlonamerne programske opreme in uporabo protiukrepov med devetošolci. Ozaveščenost devetošolcev sem raziskal z anketo, izvedeno med učenci iz treh različnih šol v večjem in manjšem mestu ter manjšem podeželskem kraju. Anketa je usmerjena v raziskavo splošne razgledanosti devetošolcev o zlonamerni programski opremi, njihovo konkretno ravnanje v različnih situacijah in v preverjanje načina uporabe različnih IKT-orodij v vsakdanji uporabi. V sklepnem delu sta interpretacija izsledkov ankete in kratka razprava o potrditvi oz. zavrnitvi postavljenih hipotez. Delo končam s sklepi in predlogi za nadaljnje delo. This work revolves around familiarity of malware and protection among ninth graders. As todays life and free time is intricately connected to electronic devices, it is almost impossible to imagine a day to day life without them, as they have become a part of our daily lives. This unto itself is not a problem. It becomes a problem, as users are not informed about the dangers that this devices represent. The theoretical part of this work is focused on the dangers that pray on the users when visiting the web. This encompasses malware, which is placed on the users device, as well as the danger present when just visiting the web. Introduction is made to the preventive and curative measures, which users can take to protect themselves from malware or to remove said malware from their device. Additionally to the measures that the users can take, good practices are listed, which decrease the likelihood of infection. The practical part of this work revolves around the concrete knowledge of malware and protection which they can take, among the ninth graders. The statistics necessary to gain the insight into their knowledge was gained by a survey taken amongst the population of three different regions. Additionally the regions in which the surveys were done have different population density, to see if this has any relevance on the knowledge base. The survey revolved around practical knowledge about malware, protection against it and their reaction to a given problem. The end of this work summarizes the results of the survey and includes a short discussion about the confirmation or rejection of the hypothesis. The last segment comprised by the conclusion and proposal for future work. |