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Cilj diplomske naloge je bil dimenzionirati jekleno in leseno konstrukcijo stolpa, ki bo služil kot opazovalnica, ter na osnovi izračuna cene postavitve izbrati ustrezen material. S pomočjo simulacije v programu SolidWorks smo preverili napetosti in premike pri možnih obremenitvah na konstrukcijo. Program je pokazal, da sta obe konstrukciji dovolj dobro dimenzionirani. V drugem delu smo na osnovi pridobljenih cen na spletu ter v trgovinah opravili izračun postavitve za oba v tej diplomski nalogi obravnavana materiala. Rezultat izračuna je pokazal, da je ceneje postaviti leseno konstrukcijo. The aim of diploma thesis was dimensioning of steel and wooden tower, serving as an observation tower, and choosing more suitable material, based on the price of construction. Using computer program SolidWorks, we checked stress and displacements, occurring with application of certain forces. The program proved that both constructions are well designed. Second part of the diploma thesis focused on the calculation of the price of both constructions, based on the information we got on the web and from other sources. Our conclusion is that the price of wooden construction is lower than the price of steel version of the tower. |