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Z razvojem je Evropska unija ustvarila različne mehanizme in politike v smeri izvajanja ukrepov, pomoči, zagotavljanja storitev, razvoja, vojaških posegov itd. Skladi Evropske unije predstavljajo instrumente ali programe, ki nudijo pomoč državam članicam ali državam kandidatkam za članstvo v razvoju na različnih področjih. Na splošno so skladi oziroma programi namenjeni državam članicam, a za olajšanje njihove priprave na članstvo držav kandidatk je del teh sredstev odprt za države kandidatke ali posebna sredstva zgolj za predpristopno pomoč, ki pa je poseben interes ali namen te raziskave. V skladu s tem smo se pri nadaljnji opredelitvi problema usmerili ravno na Republiko Makedonijo kot državo kandidatko za članstvo v Uniji, s poudarkom na izkoriščenosti na državni ravni. Do danes je več skladov prispevalo ali ponudilo priložnost za podporo državam članicam EU in državam kandidatkam za članstvo. Skladi so eden od instrumentov, ki pomagajo neenakim ali manj razvitim državam doseči razvojno raven tistih, ki so bolj razviti. Skladi so instrumenti, ki v veliki meri prispevajo k olajšanju predpristopne poti kandidatkam predvsem s finančno pomočjo ter pomočjo na številnih področjih, ki so pomembna tako za Unijo kot tudi za države kandidatke. V začetnih poglavjih magistrskega dela smo opredelili Evropsko integracijo, njene cilje in njeno ekonomiko oziroma zakaj se države hočejo integrarati v EU, katere so prednosti in slabosti, izzivi in možnosti, pojasnili smo evolucijo Evropske Unije oziroma, kako je prišlo do politične in ekonomske skupnosti, opredelili sklade za predpristopno pomoč in pojasnili njihove cilje in naloge, opisali sestavine oziroma komponente teh skladov ter na kratko opisali njihovo implementacijo v Republiki Makedoniji. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali izkoriščenost sredstev Instrumenta za predpristopno pomoč na državni ravni, in sicer glede na vrsto pogodb, organ ki vodi posel, vrsto uporabnika, v primerjavi z nacionalno udeležbo. Analizirali smo tudi sredstva glede na osnovne makroekonomske kazalnike ter podali dokaz za postavljeno hipotezo s pomočjo linearne regresije. With development up until today, the European Union has created various mechanisms in the policies towards the implementation of measures, assistance, provision of services, development, military interventions etc. The European Union funds represent instruments or programs that provide assistance to Member States or candidate countries for membership in the development in various fields. In general, funds or programs are targeted at Member States, but in order to facilitate their preparation for membership of the candidate countries, part of this funding is open to candidate countries or special funds only for pre-accession assistance, which is of particular interest or a purpose of this research and accordingly, further problem-solving was directed towards the Republic of Macedonia as a candidate country for membership in the Union, with emphasis on utilization at the state level. Until today, several funds have contributed or offered an opportunity to support EU Member States and candidate countries. Funds are one of the instruments that help the unequal or less developed countries achieve the development level of those who are more developed. Funds are instruments that largely facilitate the pre-accession assistance for candidates, in particular through financial assistance, assistance in a number of areas that are important both for the Union and for the candidate countries. In the early chapters of the master's thesis, we defined European integration, its goals and its economy, or why countries want to integrate into the EU, what are the advantages and disadvantages, challenges and opportunities, we explained the evolution of the European Union or how the political and economic community came into existence, defined the funds for pre-accession assistance and explained their goals and tasks, described the components or components of these funds and briefly described their implementation in the Republic of Macedonia. In the following chapters, we analysed the utilization of the resources of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance at the state level, depending on the type of contracts, the body that manages the business and the type of user and compared it to the national participation. We also analysed the funds with respect to the basic macroeconomic indicators and provided evidence for the hypothesis through linear regression. |