Terorizem in organiziran kriminal : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo

Autor: Visenjak, Denis
Přispěvatelé: Miklavčič, Marjan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: V diplomskem delu sem se lotil raziskovanje terorizma in organizirane kriminalitete, kaj ju povezuje in kaj razlikuje. Struktura dela je podrejena ciljem diplomske naloge. Terorizem in organizirana kriminaliteta nista nova pojava, v družbi sta prisotna že stoletja. Skozi desetletja sta se izoblikovala tako, da delujeta najbolj učinkovito vsak na svojem področju. Prvo poglavje vsebuje metodološki del naloge, kjer bom opredelil predmet proučevanja, cilje, hipoteze diplomske naloge in kakšne metode bom uporabil pri pisanju. V drugem poglavju predstavim terorizem. Začel bom z nekaj definicijami terorizma, kajti čeprav je terorizem med nami že stoletja, ni nobene globalno sprejete definicije, kaj terorizem sploh je. Obstaja veliko definicij terorizma, a zaradi njegove razsežnosti ni nobene, ki bi ga v celoti zajela. Nato sledi kratek zgodovinski prikaz terorizma, ki mu sledi opis trenutnega stanja terorizma. Opisal bom teroristično organizacijo in kako je zgrajena. Naštel bom glavne vrste terorizma. Opisal bom cilje teroristov in na kakšen način te cilje teroristi dosegajo. Omenil bom še glavne značilnosti terorizma. Na kratko pa bom tudi omenil terorizem v Sloveniji. Za konec pa bom omenil še eno izmed najhujših oblik terorizma, samomorilski terorizem in biološki terorizem. Tretje poglavje obravnava organiziran kriminal. Ko pomislimo o organiziranem kriminalu, si najverjetneje vsi naprej predstavljamo mafije iz raznih filmov. Videli bomo, da ni vse tako preprosto. Mafija je samo začetek. Najprej bom na kratko povedal nekaj začetku organiziranega kriminala. Nato bom v zvezi s organizirano kriminaliteto objasnil strukturne pojave organiziranega kriminala. Temu bo sledila predstavitev temeljne dejavnosti organiziranega kriminala. Nakar sledi še opis najbolj poznanih kriminalnih združb. Na koncu pa bom omenil tudi organizirano kriminaliteto v Sloveniji. Četrto poglavje obravnava terorizem in organizirano kriminaliteto ter njune skupne točke in razlike, torej v čem sta si podobna in v čem se razlikujeta. V zadnjem poglavju pa bom preveril svoje hipoteze in naredil povzetek vseh ugotovitev. In my thesis I started researching terrorism and organized crime. What distinguishes and what connects them. The structure of my work is subordinate to the goals of the thesis. Terrorism and organized crime are not new phenomena in the society they have been present for centuries. Throughout the decades they have evolved to operate more efficiently in their respective areas. The first chapter contains the methodological part. This is where I define the object of the study, objectives, hypothesis of the thesis and what methods I will use for writing. In the second chapter I introduce terrorism. I will start with some definitions of terrorism. Although terrorism has been with us for centuries, there is no globally accepted definition of what terrorism is. There are many definitions of terrorism but because of its dimensions, there is not one that would fully cover it. This is followed by a short historical view of terrorism and a description of the current state of terrorism. I will describe a terrorist organization and its structure. I will describe the main types of terrorism. I will also describe their goals and how they achieve these goals. I will mention the main characteristics of terrorism. In short i will also mention terrorism in Slovenia. To conclude it all i will mention two of the worst forms of terrorism - suicide terrorism and biological terrorism. The third chapter deals with organized crime. When we think of organized crime we most likely imagine all the various mafia movies. We will see that it is not that simple and that the mafia is just the beginning. First i will briefly say something about its start. Then i will clarify the structural phenomena of organized crime. After that i will present the basic activities of organized crime. What follows is a description of the best known criminal organizations. At last i will mention a little about organized crime in Slovenia. The fourth chapter deals with terrorism and organized crime and their common and different points. So in what way they are similar and how they differ. In the last section I will check my assumptions and do a summary of the findings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE