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V magistrski nalogi Izboljšava IT podpore izbranim poslovnim procesom predstavljam analizo problemskega stanja v podjetju UNIKA TTI d.o.o., ki se pojavlja pri procesu prodaje na terenu in inventuri sredstev, ter razvoj in uvedbo rešitve, ki bo omogočala mobilni zajem podatkov in prenos teh neposredno v ERP sistem Pantheon. Gre za aplikacije na prenosnem terminalu, ki omogoča lasersko odčitavanje kod izdelkov in kasnejšo lažjo obdelavo. Razvoj aplikacij za terminale je potekal v programskem jeziku Visual Basic .NET. Za uvoz podatkov v ERP sistem Pantheon smo uporabili v njem vgrajeno programsko orodje ARES za razvoj podpornih aplikacij, ki temelji na T-SQL poizvedbah in programskem jeziku Delphi. Aplikacija za prodajo na terenu je namenjena trgovskemu potniku, da pri prodaji čim lažje in natančno izvede naročilo ter zbrane podatke takoj posreduje na matično podjetje, kjer stečejo vsi potrebni postopki za dostavo naročenega blaga. Aplikacija za popis sredstev z uporabo mobilnih terminalov popisovanje bistveno skrajša ter odpravi napake, ki so prej nastajale z ročnim popisovanjem. Poglavitni rezultati uvedbe sistema za mobilno poslovanje so hitrejši pretok podatkov, večja točnost podatkov, odprava dvojnih vnosov, manjši stroški poslovanja, hitrejši pretok blaga, hitrejši obrat denarnih sredstev in konkurenčna prednost. In the master thesis Improvement of IT support for selected business processes I present the analysis of a problematic situation in the company UNIKA TTI d.o.o. that occurs in the process of field sales and stocktaking and the development and implementation of a solution which will enable mobile data collection and transfer this data directly to ERP system Pantheon. The problem is solved by installing applications on a portable terminal that enables laser barcode scanning of products and easier processing later on. The development of the applications for the terminals was carried out in the programming language Visual Basic .NET. To import the data into the ERP system Pantheon, we used the system’s inbuilt software tool ARES for developing supporting applications, based on the T-SQL queries and the programming language Delphi. The application for field sales is intended for sales representatives to help them execute the orders more easily and precisely and immediately transfer the gathered data back to the parent company where all the necessary procedures for the delivery of the ordered goods are set into motion as soon as the sale is made. The application for inventory installed on portable terminals significantly shortens the time of stocktaking and eliminates the errors which occurred with manual stocktaking. The main results of the implementation of the mobile operating system are faster data transfer, increased accuracy of the data, removal of the existing duplicate entries, lower operating costs, faster flow of goods, higher cash turnover ratio and a competitive edge. |