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Magistrsko delo opisuje in prikazuje izvedbo določanja in modeliranja potovalnega časa mestnega javnega avtobusnega prometa določene cone znotraj Mestne četrti Magdalena in cone iz Mestne četrti Tabor v vse ostale cone Mestne občine Maribor. Na podlagi časovne matrike je izdelan vizualni model ponudbe javnega avtobusnega potniškega prometa in vplivna območja avtobusnih postajališč. Master's work describes and illustrates the implementation of the determination and modelling of the travel time for the urban public bus traffic of specific zones within residental quarter Magdalena, municipality of Maribor and the zone from the residental quarter Tabor of the municipality of Maribor in all other quarters of the municipality of Maribor. A visual model of the supply of public bus transport on the basis of the time matrix is made, as well as the influential areas of bus stops. |