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V podjetjih posodabljamo zastarelo omrežno opremo (t. i. povezovalne naprave), kakor tudi programsko opremo (končne in povezovalne naprave), kajti le tako omogočamo uporabo novejših rešitev v poslovno-informacijskih sistemih, kakor tudi večjo odzivnost in stabilnost informacijskega sistema v podjetju. Sodobna industrijska omrežja omogočajo zagotavljanje konkurenčne prednosti podjetja, lažji dostop do podatkov in poslovno-informacijskega sistema ter boljše koordiniranje samega podjetja, kar pa je odvisno od informacij, ki jih zagotavlja razvitost informacijskega sistema v podjetju in tudi omrežja. V podjetju se pojavljajo omrežja novih generacij, kjer se omrežja zlivajo v t. i. IP omrežja, ki se uporabljajo za prenos podatkov, govora, videa, seveda ob pomoči različnih protokolov. Prihajajo vedno nove storitve, ki jih podpirajo novejši mediji in ki so vse pomembnejše pri vsakodnevnem delu in življenju. V podjetju vpeljujemo elektronsko poslovanje, ki znižuje stroške poslovanja podjetja. Od nas zahtevajo ustrezno varno infrastrukturo omrežja (ki daje ustrezno varnost podjetjem, kupcem, dobaviteljem), hkrati pa mora ta t. i. »sistemska varnost« omogočati varno uporabo računalniške opreme, omrežja, interneta, ki naše podjetje varuje pred zlorabami sistema. Businesses networking equipment (i.e. connecting devices in computer networks), together with the software (end devices and connected devices), has to be updated continuously since this is the only way to use new solutions in business information systems, and also to provide a more responsive, stable and reliable business information systems. Usability of modern industrial networks is shown in the provision of competitive advantage of companies, in facilitating access to information and BIS, and also in better business performance, because it depends on the level of information system provided by the development of BIS, as well as on the network itself. Emerging network technologies are popular for convergence, which means that the networks are increasingly converging in these IP networks that are used to transmit voice, data, and video services, with the help of various protocols, of course. New services supported by the newer media, which are increasingly important in everyday work and life, keep on being developed. We are introducing E-business to our company because this change contributes to reducing company costs. Safe network infrastructure is required from our company (because it also provides high security to companies, customers, and suppliers), and at the same time "computer system security" has to provide protection for computer systems, including the Internet and network security, which protects us against the threats to the system security. |