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Namen raziskave je bil odkriti povezavo oziroma vpliv obiskovanja interesne dejavnosti pevski zbor s priljubljenostjo in socialno sprejetostjo petošolcev. Obenem smo raziskali motive petošolcev za obiskovanje pevskega zbora, njihovo druženje v prostem času in povezavo med obiskovanjem interesne dejavnosti pevski zbor ter učnimi uspehi petošolcev. Naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili pomen petja skozi zgodovino, pomen in razvoj glasu oziroma petja v odraščanju posameznika, predstavili smo cilje ter glasbenorazvojne dosežke interesne dejavnosti pevski zbor v osnovni šoli. Poglobili smo se tudi v fiziološke in psihološke učinke petja ter zborovskega petja na človeško telo in predstavili pomen glasu v glasbeni terapiji. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela smo se posvetili socialni sprejetosti v osnovni šoli, in sicer smo se osredotočili na obdobje poznega otroštva. Spoznali smo, kako poteka socialni in psihosocialni razvoj po Eriksonu, kaj pomenijo otrokom odnosi z vrstniki ter kako na odnose vpliva socialna kompetentnost. Opredelili smo socialno sprejetost otrok in obrazložili sociometrični položaj učencev v razredu ter s tem povezano priljubljenost. V empiričnem delu smo analizirali rezultate anketnega vprašalnika in sociometrične preizkušnje. V raziskavi so sodelovali učenci petega razreda (n = 152) različnih osnovnih šol in na podlagi njihovih odgovorov smo potrdili vse vnaprej postavljene hipoteze. Iz rezultatov smo razbrali, da se k interesni dejavnosti pevski zbor v povprečju prijavi več deklet kot fantov. Ugotovili smo, da so petošolci, ki obiskujejo interesno dejavnost pevski zbor, med socialno bolj sprejetimi učenci, prav tako pa dosegajo boljše učne uspehe. The purpose of this research was to identify the connection or the influence of attending the extracurricular activity choir on popularity and social acceptance of fifth-grade pupils. At the same time, motivation of fifth-grade pupils for attending the choir, their socialising in their spare time as well as the connection between the extracurricular activity choir and learning achievements of fifth-grade pupils were researched. This thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part presents the importance of singing throughout history, the importance and development of voice and singing during an individual's growing up as well as the goals and achievements in musical development of the extracurricular activity choir in primary school. Additionally, physiological and psychological effects of singing and choir singing on the human body are looked at more closely and the importance of voice in music therapy is presented. Further on, the theoretical part focuses on social acceptance in primary school, namely in the period of late childhood. Social and psychosocial development according to Erikson are described, as well as what relationships with peers mean to children and how relationships are affected by social competence. Social acceptance of children is defined, and the sociometric status of pupils within a class and popularity that is related to it is explained. The empirical part presents the analysis of the results of the questionnaire and sociometric tests. The survey involved fifth-grade pupils (n = 152) of different primary schools and based on their answers, all of the beforehand formulated hypotheses were confirmed. The results showed that on average, more girls than boys apply for the extracurricular activity choir. It was established that the fifth-grade pupils that attend the extracurricular activity choir are among the socially more accepted pupils and they also achieve better learning results. |