Prison video conferencing

Autor: Pernišek, Martin
Přispěvatelé: Završnik, Aleš
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: V Sloveniji se soočamo s prezasedenostjo zaporov, varčevanjem na področju plač in z omejitvami pri zaposlovanju. V pričujoči diplomski nalogi razpravljamo o uporabi videokonference kot učinkoviti rešitvi navedenih problemov. Ta bi bila primerna, ker bi zmanjšala stroške, ki nastanejo pri spremljanju zaprtih oseb izven zaporskega okolja (npr. na sodišče) razbremenila pravosodne policiste, ki so preobremenjeni zaradi kadrovske podhranjenosti, pripomogla pa bi tudi k večji varnosti. Videokonferenčni sistem bi obsojencem poleg tega omogočil tudi pogostejše virtualne obiske svojcev, ki iz različnih razlogov ne morejo priti na obisk v zapor. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali uporabo videokonference za postopke na sodišču takrat, ko je obsojenec že nastanjen v zaporu. Predstavili smo vrste videokonferenc, njihove prednosti in slabosti. Predstavili smo zakonsko podlago za tovrstno zaslišanje in razložili, kako lahko uporaba videokonference prispeva k zmanjšanju tveganja za nastanek izrednih dogodkov in k zmanjšanju obremenjenosti zaporskega sistema, ki nastaja ob spremljanju zaprte osebe na sodišče. Grafično smo predstavili tudi stroške izvedbe tovrstnih spremstev za leto 2015. Za empirični del naloge smo pripravili posebno anketo in jo razdelili med obsojence, ki prestajajo kazen zapora v Zavodu za prestajanje kazni zapora na Dobu pri Mirni. Ugotovili smo, kolikšen je odstotek obsojencev, ki imajo družinske člane v tujini in kolikšen je delež tistih, ki si želijo več stikov z družinami preko videokonference. Slovenia is being challenged by problems such as prison overcrowding, wage austerity and constraints concerning staff recruitment. In this bachelor’s thesis, the use of videoconference is being discussed as an effective solution to the above listed problems. The use of videoconference would bring many benefits such as cost reduction, because the need to accompany prisoners outside the penitentiary institution (e.g. to the court) would fall. In addition to that, the system would also relieve judicial police officers, who are overburdened by reason of labour shortage, and contribute to a higher security level. The system of videoconference would enable more frequent virtual visits of their relatives, who cannot visit them in prisons for various reasons. In this bachelor’s thesis, the use of videoconference for court proceedings in cases, when the convict is already serving a prison, was analysed. In the theoretical part of this thesis, all types of videoconferences are presented along with their advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, legal basis for this type of hearing is presented as well as the explanation, how the use of videoconference contributes to reducing the risk of exceptional occurrences and to reducing the workload of the prison system that increases by the need of accompanying the prisoners to the court. The graphical presentation of costs for accompanying the prisoners in 2015 is can also be found in this part of the thesis. For the empirical part of this thesis, special surveys were made and distributed among the convicts that are serving a prison in the penitentiary institution ZPKZ Dob pri Mirni. Within the analysis, the percentage of the convicts that have relatives in foreign countries was determined as well as the percentage of the convicts that wish to increase contacts with their relatives via videoconference.¬¬¬¬¬
Databáze: OpenAIRE