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Z magistrskim delom Zaznavanje stresa pri razrednih učiteljih in njihov odnos do čuječnosti smo želeli ugotoviti, kako učiteljski poklic vpliva na duševno zdravje učiteljev ter kakšno je njihovo stališče do različnih praks čuječnosti. V teoretičnem delu smo poleg definicij duševnega zdravja, stresa in čuječnosti podrobneje predstavili tudi pomen dobrega duševnega zdravja, kakovostnega soočanja s stresom in opisali uporabnost čuječnosti v učiteljskem poklicu. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 12 učiteljev razrednega pouka. Podatke smo pridobili preko polstrukturiranega intervjuja. Za analizo odgovorov smo uporabili kvalitativno analizo podatkov. Ugotovili smo, da učitelji največ stresa doživljajo pri delu z vedenjsko problematičnimi otroki ter v odnosu s starši. Svoje duševno zdravje dojemajo kot zelo pomembno in se zavedajo, da stanje njihovega duševnega zdravja pomembno vpliva na njihovo delo v razredu. Učitelji se najpogosteje sproščajo z gibanjem. Tehnike čuječnosti so učiteljem v večini nepoznane, a se jim zdijo uporabne za delo v šoli. Na podlagi rezultatov zaključujemo, da je skrb za duševno zdravje zelo pomembno za delo učiteljev in njihovo psihofizično zdravje. Predlagamo, da bi se organiziralo čim več izobraževanj za učitelje o čuječnosti, saj so učitelji izrazili zanimanje in prepoznali uporabnost metod za razvijanje čuječnosti. The purpose of master's degree thesis Perception of Stress in Class Teachers and Their Attitude to Mindfulness was to find out, how the teacher's profession affects the mental health of the teachers and what is their attitude to various practising of mindfulness. In the theoretical part we have beside the definitions of mental health, stress and mindfulness in detail presented the importance of the good mental health, qualitative facing the stress and described the usability of the mindfulness in the teacher's profession. In the empirical part the results of a research are presented, where 12 class teachers took part. We have gained the data through half-structured interwiev. For the analysis of the answers we applied qualitative data analysis. We have found out that teachers experience most of the stress when working with children with problematic behaviour and in relations with the parents. They consider their mental health as very important and are aware that their state of mental health has an important influence on their work in the class. Teachers are most often relaxing through outdoor activities. The technics of mindfulness are in most cases unfamiliar to the teachers, but they seem to them useful for the work at school. On the base of the results we are ascertaining, that the care for the mental health is of high importance for the work of the teachers and their psychophysical health. We suggest to organise as many as possible educational events for the teachers covering mindfulness, as the teachers have shown interest and recognised the usefulness of the methods for development of the mindfulness. |