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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali odpadne vode iz tekstilne industrije določenega podjetja. Na osnovi 10-letnega izvajanja obratovalnega monitoringa odpadnih voda smo želeli ugotoviti, kateri ekološki parametri nihajo in ne ustrezajo zakonskim zahtevam za izpust v kanalizacijo. Osredotočili smo se na področje odpadnih voda po barvanju aramidnih vlaken, saj so ta v današnjem času postala zelo zanimiva na različnih področjih. Spekter uporabe aramidnih vlaken je zelo širok, raziskave kažejo na visoko rast uporabe in izdelavo aramidov v prihodnosti. Odpadnim vodam po barvanju aramidnih prej smo določili ekološke parametre (KPK, BPK5, TOC …) in raziskali postopek čiščenja odpadnih voda, s katerim delno ali v celoti odstranimo tekstilno pomožno sredstvo (benzil alkohol, carrier). Tekstilno pomožno sredstvo (benzil alkohol, carrier), ki se uporablja pri barvanju aramidnih prej, povzroča visoke vrednosti KPK, BPK5, TOC in druge ekološke parametre. Ekološki parametri, predvsem vrednost KPK in TOC, so tudi merilo za določitev ekološke takse. Čim višja je vrednost, tem večje je plačilo ekološke takse in predstavlja velik finančni strošek za podjetje. Eksperimentalni del naloge smo razdelili na dva sklopa. V prvem smo določili ekološke parametre odpadnih voda po barvanju aramidnih prej v proizvodnji in laboratoriju. Pri laboratorijskem barvanju smo uporabili dve različni pomožni tekstilni sredstvi, benzil alkohol in carrier, kot možno zamenjavo, ter dve različni barvili. V drugem sklopu naloge smo čistili te odpadne vode z membransko filtracijo. Uporabili smo dve različni membrani in vode filtrirali pri enakem tlaku – 2 bara. Naredili smo ponovne meritve ekoloških parametrov in pobarvanim aramidnim prejam določili obstojnosti pri drgnjenju, pranju in na svetlobi ter izmerili barvne razlike, ki imajo pomemben vpliv pri sukancih za določenega kupca. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da lahko odpadne vode po barvanju aramidnih prej čistimo z membransko filtracijo – ultrafiltracijo. Pri laboratorijskem in proizvodnem barvanju smo uspeli s ultrafiltracijo znižati ekološke parametre odpadnih voda za 30 %. Within the master work, we were researching waste waters from textile industry of a certain company. On the basis of 10-year execution of operational monitoring of waste waters, we wanted to find out, which ecological parameters swing and are not in accordance with legal criteria regarding emissions into sewerage system. We focused on the field of waste waters after colouring aramid fibres, since nowadays they have become very interesting in different areas. A spectrum of using the aramid fibres is quite broad. Research works indicate high increase of using and producing aramids in future. We defined the ecological parameters (KPK, BPK5, TOC …) of the waste waters after colouring aramid yarn and we researched a procedure of purifying the waste waters with which we partly or completely remove an auxiliary fibre agent (benzyl alcohol, carrier). The auxiliary fibre agent (benzyl alcohol, carrier), which is used for colouring the aramid yarn, causes high values of KPK, BPK5, TOC and other ecological parameters. The ecological parameters, particularly the values of KPK and TOC, represent also a standard for defining an ecological fee. The higher the value, higher the payment of the ecological fee is and it represents a significant financial cost for a company. We divided the experimental part of the work into two contexts. In the first one we defined the ecological parameters of the waste waters after colouring the aramid yarn in a production and a laboratory. At the laboratory colouring we used two different auxiliary fibre agents, benzyl alcohol and carrier as a possible replacement, and two different pigments. In the second context of our work we were purifying these waste waters with a membrane filtration. We used two different membranes and we filtered the waters at the same pressure – 2 bars. We anew carried out the measuring of the ecological parameters and we defined a resistance to rubbing, washing and light of the coloured aramid yarn, and we measured colour differences, which have, regarding threads, an important influence on a certain purchaser. The results of the research work showed that the waste waters, after colouring the aramid yarn, can be purified with the membrane filtration – ultra filtration. Within the laboratory and the production colouring, we managed to reduce the ecological parameters of the waste waters for 30 %. |