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Kadar je govora o prometu, je ključna stvar prometna varnost. Sicer z leti število smrtnih žrtev pada, vendar prometna varnost še zmeraj ni na želeni ravni. Še posebej pomembna je varnost na avtocestah, kjer so zaradi višjih hitrosti, posledice prometnih konfliktov lahko zelo hude. Diplomsko delo govori o prometni varnosti na avtocestnem omrežju. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s strani policije. Analiza podatkov o prometnih nesrečah na avtocestnem omrežju v Republiki Sloveniji je bila opravljena za obdobje med letoma 2005 in 2015. Podatke smo analizirali glede na skupno število prometnih nesreč za posamezno leto, klasifikacijo prometne nesreče, vzrok prometne nesreče, stanje vozišča v času prometne nesreče, stanje prometa v času prometne nesreče, tip prometne nesreče, vremenske okoliščine v času prometne nesreče in mesec v posameznih letih. Na koncu smo podali nekaj predlogov možnosti za izboljšanje prometne varnosti na avtocestnem omrežju v Republiki Sloveniji. When it comes to traffic, safety is always crucial. Despite the fact that the number of casualties on Slovenian roads is dropping, road safety is still not at the desired level. Safety on motorways is particulary important as, due to higher speed, the consequences of traffic conflicts can be very serious. The subject of this thesis is safety on the Slovene motorway network. Analysis of data on traffic accidents on the motorway network in Slovenia for the period between 2005 and 2015 has been carried out. The data were obtained by the police. The data were analysed according to the total number of road accidents per year, according to the classification of traffic accidents, according to the cause of an accident, according to the state of the carriageway at the time of an accident, according to the traffic situation at the time of an accident, the type of an accident, the weather conditions, and the month of each year. Finally we give some suggestions for improving traffic safety on the motorway network in Slovenia. |