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Talibani so fundamentalistično islamsko gibanje, ki poskuša islam očistiti vseh novosti in modernizacije. Zgraditi želijo afganistansko državo po svoji podobi islamske države. Uvedli so ukrepe, s katerimi bi dosegli svoj cilj, in kazni za njihovo kršenje. Med drugim so prepovedali televizijo, glasbo, filme, zaprli dekliške šole in ženska kopališča ter moškim zapovedali nošenje brade. Kljub velikemu porazu leta 2001 so okrepili svoje sile in še danes poskušajo ponovno pridobiti oblast v Afganistanu. Podoben cilj — očistiti islam — so v 18. stoletju imeli tudi vahabi. Bili so fundamentalistično, a ne tako skrajno kot talibani, versko gibanje, ki je želelo islam očistiti vseh novosti in ga vrniti v njegovo najzgodnejše obdobje — obdobje preroka Mohameda in prvih treh generacij za njim. Nasprotovali so ljudski religioznosti — verovanju v moč pobožnih ljudi ter vsem praksam, ki so sledile iz teh verovanj. Tako so prepovedali tobak, glasbo, ples, izrekanje priprošenj k preroku, obiskovanje in postavljanje spomenikov nad grobovi … Uvedli so tudi versko policijo, ki je skrbela, da kršitelji ukrepov niso ostali nekaznovani. Zaradi podobnosti, ki jih je opaziti, smo v diplomski nalogi poskušali ugotoviti, ali so vahabi imeli kakšen vpliv na talibane in ali so mogoče le-ti prevzeli kakšne elemente vahabizma. The Taliban are a fundamentalist Islamic movement that seeks to purify Islam of innovations and modernization. The Taliban would like to the Afghan state in their own image of an Islamic state. They imposed measures to achieve their goals and they also have penalties for their violation. Among other things they banned television, music, movies, they closed girls' schools and women's swimming and they commanded men to wear beards. They have restrenghtened their forces and are still trying to regain power in Afghanistan despite major defeat in 2001. To purify Islam was also a goal of the Wahhabi in the 18th century. The Wahhabi were fundamentalists, but not as extreme as the Taliban religious movement. They wanted to purify Islam of innovations and recover it to its earliest period - the period of the Prophet Muhammad and the first three generations after him. They objected to the folk religiosity, so they opposed to the belief in the power of the pious people and to all practices that have originated from these beliefs. Therefore, they banned tobacco, music, dance, praying to the Prophet, visiting and setting of tombstones or monuments on the graveyards, etc. They implemented the religious police, who ensured that the non followers of the goals did not go unpunished. Because of similarities that can be observed in the present work we attempted to determine whether Wahhabi had any influence on the Taliban and if they took on any elements of Wahhabism. |