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Studijsko snemanje glasbe poznamo že od konca 19. stoletja. Skozi čas se je tehnika snemanja spreminjala in nadgrajevala. Naloga se nanaša na aktualno tehniko ter sodobne načine snemanja. Na studijsko snemanje zvoka in glasbe vpliva vrsta dejavnikov, od postavitve mikrofonov do akustičnih značilnosti prostora. V nalogi je predstavljen proces snemanja glasbe, glavni problem diplomske naloge pa je uporaba, postavitev in lastnosti različnih tipov mikrofonov in pravilna postavitev le-teh za optimalen zajem zvoka. We know about the studio music recording since late 19th century. However, it has changed and upgraded since then. The thesis applies to the current recording techniques. There are a lot of factors that affect studio recording of sound and music, from microphone placement to acoustic characteristics of a studio. In my thesis, I present the process of music recording, focusing on the use, placement and characteristics of different types of microphones and the correct placement of microphones to achieve the optimal recording. |