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Pomemben mejnik v mednarodnem pravu predstavljajo konec 19. in v začetku 20. stoletja sprejete Haaške humanitarne konvencije, saj je bila tedaj v obliki obvezujočih mednarodnih konvencij prvič obsojena nečlovečnost vojne. Prav tako so izjemnega pomena štiri Ženevske humanitarne konvencije iz leta 1949 ter dva dopolnilna protokola k Ženevskim konvencijam iz leta 1977. V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na pravne predpise v okviru zločinov proti človeštvu tako sem zasledila, da se je pojem človečnosti prvič pojavil v Martensovi klavzuli. Nato so Francija, Velika Britanija in Rusija v skupni deklaraciji kot kaznivo dejanje proti človečnosti obsodile turške pokole nad Armenci zdi se, da je to predstavljalo zgolj mrtvo črko na papirju, saj o relevantni izkušnji s prizadevanjem za sojenje hudodelcem lahko govorimo šele v drugi svetovni vojni. Tako je temeljnega pomena Nürnberški statut (iz leta 1945), ki je inkriminiral nečlovečna dejanja nacističnih oboroženih sil. Pravni predpisi so se torej v okviru zločinov proti človeštvu pojavili kot odgovor na pojav fašistoidnosti – glavnega krivca zla, sinonima za odpravo pravne države. Razvoj teh predpisov se je nato nadaljeval v Tokijskem statutu, Konvenciji o preprečevanju in kaznovanju zločina genocida, Konvenciji o nezastaranju vojnih zločinov in zločinov proti človeštvu, statutu MKSJ, statutu MKSR in v Rimskem statutu MKS (1998). Zaradi ogromnega števila etap množičnih pobojev se je po II. svetovni vojni porodila ideja o stalnem mednarodnem kazenskem sodišču. Vidimo lahko, da je realizacija te ideje – sojenja storilcem kaznivih dejanj, ki ogrožajo mednarodno skupnost kot celoto – trajala več kot pol stoletja. Ustanovitev MKS v mednarodnih odnosih predstavlja velik uspeh, saj so države dokazale, da so pripravljene sprejeti vladavino prava, kljub temu, da so se morale odpovedati svoji jurisdikciji in posledično tudi delu svoje suverenosti. Po tem ko sem predstavila specifične zločine, sem nanašajoč se na pravne predpise v okviru mednarodnih sodišč povzela tudi »usode« nekaterih oseb, ki so bile odgovorne za najhujša kazniva dejanja. The Hague Conventions signed at the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, are a significant turning point in international humanitarian law, because then in a form of binding international conventions the inhumanity of war was condemned for the first time. Of a great importance are also the four Geneva Conventions signed in 1949 and two additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions from 1977. In my diploma paper I focused on legal regulations regarding crimes against humanity. I found out that in the Martens Clause the concept of humanity was mentioned for the first time. After that, France, Great Britain and Russia in a common declaration condemned the Ottoman extermination of Armenian population as a criminal act against humanity however, the act seemed to be regarded as such in name only, because a relevant striving for trials of such criminals appeared not earlier than in the WWII. In this regard, the Nuremberg Statute (1945) is of a basic importance, since it incriminated the acts against humanity of Nazi armed forces. So in the context of the crimes against humanity, the legal regulations appeared in response to the emergence of fascistoid ideas – the main cause of all evil, a synonym for abolition of the rule of law. The development of these regulations continued in the Tokyo Statute, the Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, the Statute of the ICTY, the Statute of the ICTR, and in the Rome Statute of the ICT (1998). Because of a huge extend of mass murders after the WWII the idea of a permanent international criminal tribunal was born. One can see that the realisation of this idea – the trials of perpetrators of crimes, which threaten the international community as a whole – took more than fifty years. Establishment of the ICT in the international relationships represents a great success, because the countries have proved their readiness to accept the rule of law, in spite of the fact they had to relinquish their own jurisdiction and consequently a part of their sovereignty. After introducing specific crimes, referring to the legal regulations of international tribunals I also summed up the “stories” of some persons responsible for the worst criminal acts. |