Autor: Fujs, Matej
Přispěvatelé: Milfelner, Borut
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena motivacija in dejavniki motivacije, pa tudi najpomembnejši motivacijski faktorji v poslovnem okolju. Pri tem je bilo ugotovljeno, da finančne nagrade, brez da bi zaposleni natančno vedeli, zakaj so jih prejeli, ne nosijo učinka, ter da je kombinacija finančnih nagrad, za katere zaposleni točno vedo, zakaj so jih prejeli, in pohval ali priznanj prava kombinacija za nadaljnje dobro delo, zadovoljstvo in motiviranost zaposlenih. V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo tudi prodajno osebje: opišemo sodobnega prodajalca, njegovo usposabljanje, ocenjevanje, nagrajevanje in pomen le-tega. Pri tem smo ugotovili, da je prav prodajno osebje tisto, ki pridobiva in ohranja kupce ter je ključnega pomena za uspešnost organizacije. Prodajno osebje mora biti tako maksimalno motivirano, motivacijo pa izžarevati z nasmehom in dobro voljo, saj le na ta način pridobi zaupanje kupcev. V praktičnem delu bomo na osnovi intervjuja, izvedenega z zaposlenim v Zavarovalnici Maribor d.d., predstavili načine, kako motivirajo zaposlene. Izvedeli smo, da imajo uvedene sisteme motiviranja s stimulacijami v primeru, ko prodajalec pridobi novo stranko, dobi dodatno stimulacijo v obliki bonov, vinjet, dopustov v eksotičnih deželah in podobno. The thesis presents motivation and the factors of motivation, as well as the most important motivation factors in business environment. Here we discovered that financial rewards do not achieve its effect if the employees do not know the reason they received them. Furthermore, we established that a combination of commendations or acknowledgements and financial rewards, for which the employees know exactly why they received them, is the perfect combination for the continuation of good work, contentment and motivation of the employees. In the thesis we also dealt with sales personnel, where we described the modern salesman, the training of salesmen, evaluation, giving rewards, and the importance of receiving rewards for salesmen. We discovered that the sales personnel gain and retain customers, which is crucial for the success of organizations. Therefore, the sales personnel have to be motivated to a maximum and must express this motivation with a smile and goodwill as this is the only way to gain the customer`s trust. In the practical part we presented how to motivate employees, which we based on interviews of the employees of Zavarovalnica Maribor d.d. We found that they introduced systems of motivation where salesmen gain stimulation by acquiring new customers they gain additional stimulation in the form of vouchers, vignettes, holidays in exotic countries etc.
Databáze: OpenAIRE