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Naloga obravnava razvoj prototipne rešitve za vodenje dokumentacije o testiranju, ki je skladna s standardom ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119. Podrobno so predstavljeni elementi standarda ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119: namen testiranja, organiziranje testiranja, procesi testiranja v življenjskem ciklu programske opreme, tveganja, procesi in avtomatizacija testiranja. Z orodjem Oracle Data Modeler je razvit model procesov. Glavni procesi so: organizacijski proces testiranja, procesi vodenja in procesi dinamičnega testiranja. Strukturirali smo dva nivoja procesov. Model podatkov, ki je bil prav tako razvit z orodjem Oracle Data Modeler, vsebuje 7 entitet: zaposlen, projekt, vloga, naročnik, dokument, detajl dokumenta in zaposleni na projektu. Dokument je lahko sestavljen iz drugih dokumentov, prav tako lahko dokumentu pripada več detajlov. V teh dveh entitetah sta definirana atributa »opis«, ki imata podatkovni tip XMLTYPE. Strukturo teh dveh atributov smo popisali z shemo XML, ki smo jo definirali z orodjem JDeveloper. Prednosti tako zasnovane baze podatkov so majhno število entitet in atributov, možnost vključevanja dokumenta v obstoječi dokument ter možnost definiranja novih struktur dokumentov s pomočjo sheme XML. S pomočjo dodatka JAXB v orodju Eclipse smo generirali še javanske razrede za branje in pisanje vseh dokumentov, ki jih vsebuje proučevani standard. Te razrede je možno uporabiti pri gradnji uporabniškega vmesnika. Izdelali smo tudi grafični uporabniški vmesnik, ki omogoča izbiro glavnih procesov. The thesis focuses on the prototype solutions for managing test documentation in accordance with the ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 standard. The elements of ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 standard are described in detail. These are: the purpose of testing, the organization of testing, the processes of testing in software life cycle, risks, processes and automation of testing. A process model was developed with Oracle Data Modeler. The main processes are: the organizational test process, the management processes and the dynamic test processes. Two levels of processes have been structured. The data model, which has also been developed with Oracle Data Modeler, includes 7 entities: employee, project, role, client, document, document detail and employee-project. The document can consist of other documents and it can also include more details. In these two entities the attributes »description« are defined, which are of XMLTYPE data type. The structure of these two attributes has been described with XML scheme, which has been defined with JDeveloper tool. The advantages of the database defined in this way are a small number of entities and attributes, the possibility of inclusion of a document in an existing document and the possibility of defining new document structure of documents using XML scheme. With the JAXB extension of Eclipse tool we have generated Java classes for reading and writing all the documents contained in the examined standard. These classes can be used when building a user interface. We have also designed a graphical user interface, which allows the selection of the main processes. |