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V svojem diplomskem delu z naslovom Munchausnov sindrom opisujem vrsto duševne motnje, ko se nekdo, ki rabi pozornost, pretvarja, da je bolan ali pa se namenoma poškoduje. Predvsem pa sem se osredotočila na Munchausnov sindrom po namestniku, ko neka oseba, večinoma je to mati, namerno povzroči bolezen pri svojem otroku oziroma druge prepriča z lažmi, da je bolan. Skozi diplomsko delo so analizirani vzroki, simptomi, posledice in zdravljenje tega sindroma. V začetku diplomskega dela je opisano nasilje v družini, katero se nato opredeli na nasilje nad otroki in potem konkretno na Munchausnov sindrom. Ker je naslov diplomskega dela marsikomu nepoznan, se je prepoznavnost tega sindroma ugotavljala z anketo, ki tako sestavlja zadnji del diplomskega dela. Prav tako je opisanih nekaj primerov, s katerimi so navedbe o Munchausnovem sindromu tudi podkrepljene. In my diploma work entitled Munchausen syndrome I describe the type of mental disorder when someone who needs attention is pretending to be sick or deliberately injures himself or herself. In particular, I focus on Munchausen syndrome by proxy, when a person, usually the mother, intentionally causes a disease at her child or she persuades others through lying, that her child is sick. Throughout diploma work I try to identify the causes, symptoms, consequences and the treatment of this syndrome. At the beginning of my diploma work I describe domestic violence, on the basis of which I pass on violence against children, and then specifically on Munchausen syndrome. As the title of my diploma work was unknown to many people, I decided to find recognisability of this syndrome with a survey which composes the last part of the diploma work. I also describe a few examples, which support my quotes about Munchausen syndrome. |