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V diplomskem delu sem obravnavala temo atipičnih pogodb o zaposlitvi. Kot atipično pogodbo o zaposlitvi, lahko navedemo vsako pogodbo o zaposlitvi , ki ni tipična – pogodba o zaposlitvi za nedoločen čas. Zakon o delovnih razmerjih, določa nekaj vrst atipičnih pogodb o zaposlitvi pogodba o zaposlitvi za določen čas pogodba o zaposlitvi za krajši čas od polnega pogodba o zaposlitvi za opravljanje dela na domu, pogodba o zaposlitvi s poslovodnimi osebami in prokuristi, pogodba o zaposlitvi med delavcem in delodajalcem, ki opravlja dejavnost zagotavljanja dela delavcev drugemu uporabniku pogodba o zaposlitvi zaradi opravljanja javnih del. Vsaka pogodba je natančneje opredeljena, našteti in opisani so pogoji, ki določajo sklenitev in so zahtevani po zakonu o delovnih razmerjih, ter določene posebnosti, ki opredeljujejo vsako pogodbo posebej. Vse te pogodbe o zaposlitvi na nek način odstopajo od pogodbe o zaposlitvi za nedoločen čas, zato so posebej urejene. Zakon določa, pod kakšnimi pogoji se sme skleniti atipična pogodba o zaposlitvi in kakšne pravice in dolžnosti imata delavec in delodajalec, pri izvrševanju pogodbe. V enem izmed poglavij diplomskega dela se dotaknem tudi razmer na trgu dela v Sloveniji in Evropski uniji, saj se Evropski gospodarski prostor po vstopu Slovenije v EU razteza tudi nad Slovenijo. Kot je iz različnih poročil in statističnih raziskav zaznati, se krizne razmere po vsem evropskem prostoru odražajo približno enako. Povsod je zaznati padec zaposlenih in povečan odstotek nezaposlenih, ki kar vztraja oziroma se na določenih območjih celo povečuje, pri tem pa slovenski trg dela ni izjema. In the thesis I have discussed the topic of atypical employment contracts. As a atypical employment contract can cite any contract of employment, which is not typical-an employment contract for an indefinite period. The Employment Act provides for several types of non-standard employment contracts, employment contract for a fixed period, the contract of employment for a short period of time employment contract to perform work at home employment contract with management personnel and procurators, the employment contract between workers and employers engaged in the business of providing workers to another user, the contract of employment for public works. Each contract is more specifically defined, listed and described the conditions that determine the conclusion and are required under the Employment Act, as well as some specific features that define each contract. All contracts of employment in some way deviate from the contract of employment for an indefinite period, and are specifically regulated. The Act sets out the conditions under which it may be concluded atypical employment contract sand what right sand obligations of both the worker and the employer, in the execution of the contract. In one of the chapters of the thesis discussed the situation on the labor market in Slovenia and the European Union as the European Economic Area after Slovenia joined the EU extends to over Slovenia. As the various reports and surveys detected, the crisis through out Europe reflect about the same. Here is reflected the decline inemployment and an increase in the percentage of unemployed who or which insists on certain areas even increased, while the Slovenian labor market is no exception. |