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Podjetje Pišek & HSF Logistics, d.o.o., se ukvarja s transportom hitro pokvarljivega in zmrznjenega blaga. Transport takšnega blaga je zelo zahteven, saj se mora hladna veriga zagotavljati skozi celotno distribucijo blaga od proizvajalca do kupca. V okviru hladne verige imajo vozniki veliko odgovornost, saj mora natovarjanje, transport in raztovarjanje blaga neprekinjeno potekati v hladni verigi. Skozi celotno transportno pot morajo biti pozorni na količino in kakovost blaga ter ohranjati predpisano temperaturo blaga, da ne prekinejo hladne verige. Ker gre za živilsko dejavnost, kjer je zelo pomembno, da so živila varna za potrošnika, se morajo vozniki za to dejavnost redno izobraževati in dopolnjevati svoje znanje. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge bomo predstavili transport hitro pokvarljivega blaga, delo in delovni čas voznikov ter hladno verigo. V praktičnem delu pa bomo predstavili primer transportne poti blaga od proizvajalca do kupca v okviru katere bomo izpostavili dva problema – utrujenost voznikov med vožnjo in nadzor temperature blaga med transportom. Utrujenost voznikov bi zmanjšali ali odpravili z vgradnjo opozorilnega sistema za voznika, ki opozori voznika kadar le-ta začne kazati znake utrujenosti. S posodobitvijo sistema za nadzor temperature blaga med transportom bi voznikom omogočili kontrolo temperature iz voznikove kabine. Na koncu diplomske naloge bomo podali kritično analizo in predloge za izboljšavo problemov. Pišek & HSF Logistics Ltd is a company specialising in transport of easily perishable and frozen goods. The transport of such goods is very demanding because the cold chain needs to be maintained throughout the entire goods distribution route, from the manufacturer to the buyer. In maintaining an unbroken cold chain, the drivers carry a big responsibility because all loading, transport and unloading of goods needs to be carried out in atemperature-controlled environment. The drivers need to pay attention to the quantity and quality of the goods, and maintain a prescribed temperature throughout the entire transport route to ensure the cold chain is not broken. In food logistics, where keeping the food safe for the buyers is very important, the drivers need to constantly educate themselves and expand their knowledge. In the theoretical part of my thesis, I will describe the transport of easily perishable goods, the drivers' work activities and work hours and the cold chain. In the practical part, I will give an example of the transport route from the manufacturer to the buyer, highlighting some issue, such as driver fatigue and goods temperature monitoring during transport. Driver fatigue could be reduced or eliminated by implementing a warning system that alerts the driver when he starts displaying signs of fatigue. Updating the goods temperature monitoring system during transport would enable the driver to monitor the temperature from within the cabin. At the end of the thesis, I will represent a critical analysis and some suggestions on how to improve the issues. |