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Otrok z vstopom v šolo vstopa v novo okolje, v katerem so odnosi, način dela in pričakovanja drugačni od tistih, ki jih je otrok vajen iz predšolskega obdobja. Z namenom, da bi prvošolci v novem okolju čim bolje zaživeli, nekatere šole izvajajo projekt Zaščitništvo, v katerega so vključeni prvošolci in devetošolci. Prvošolci se imenujejo mezinčki, torej tisti, ki so najmanjši, oboji pa s skupnimi druženji pridobivajo pomembne socialne, moralne in osebnostne izkušnje. Projekt s povezovanjem najstarejše in najmlajše generacije v šoli vpliva tudi na preprečevanje nasilja in ima vzgojno funkcijo. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo razpravljali o ozadju projekta Zaščitništvo. Zanimale so nas šola kot institucija, ki izobražuje in vzgaja, problematika nasilja v njej ter značilnosti razvoja otrok in mladostnikov. V empiričnem delu prikazujemo rezultate raziskave, ki temelji na anketnem vprašalniku za zaščitnike, mezinčke in starše. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšno je stanje izvajanja projekta v praksi. Zanimalo nas je, kakšne so podobnosti in razlike v izvajanju projekta na posameznih šolah. Primerjava mnenj zaščitnikov, mezinčkov in staršev je pokazala njihovo različno dojemanje vloge in izvedbe projekta Zaščitništvo ter na pozitiven vpliv na razvoj zaščitnikov in mezinčkov. By entering primary school, a child enters a new environment with different relations, work style and expectations from those he or she is accustomed to from the pre-school period. To make this period easier for the first-grade pupils, some Slovenian schools carry out the project Protectiveness, which includes pupils of the first and the last grade. Being the smallest, the first graders are called »the Little Fingers«. Together with the ninth-grade pupils they acquire important social, moral and personal experience. By connecting the youngest and the oldest generation of pupils, the project influences also on the prevention of violence as well as carries an educational function. In the theoretical part of our thesis, we discuss the background of the project Protectiveness. We were interested in the school as an institution that educates and raises, the problem of violence in it, and the developmental characteristics of children and adolescents. In the empirical part we introduced the results of our survey based on the questionnaire for protectors, little fingers and their parents. The goal of our research was to explore the project implementation in practice therefore we searched for similarities and differences in project implementation at individual schools. Our comparison of the opinions gained from the protectors, Little Fingers, and their parents showed not only different perception of their roles and performance of the project Protectiveness but also its positive impact on the development of children in both generations. |