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Podjetje Si.mobil za svoje storitve poslovnim in fizičnim uporabnikom vsak mesec izda več kot 450.000 računov. Zaradi optimizacije delovnega procesa, potrebe po zmanjšanju operativnih stroškov poslovanja, potreb trga in trendov razvoja tehnologij elektronskega poslovanja ter konkurenčnosti se je podjetje že odločilo za uvedbo e-računa. Podjetje uporabo omogoča vsem svojim uporabnikom, vendar se je zanjo zaenkrat odločilo le cca. 26 % vseh naročnikov. V diplomskem delu smo raziskali, opisali ter primerjali poslovni proces izdaje klasičnega računa s procesom izdaje e-računa. Zanimalo nas je, če in v kakšni meri uvedba e-računa vpliva na poslovanje in racionalizacijo operativnih stroškov v podjetju. Proučili in ocenili smo tudi druge vidike, ki prinašajo koristi vsem deležnikom, povezanimi z e-računi (procesi, odpravljanje napak, pravni vidik, informacijska varnost in zadovoljstvo naročnikov). Ugotovili smo, da je proces izdaje računa v obravnavanem podjetju popolnoma avtomatiziran in optimiziran. Izdaja klasičnega računa je za podjetje velik strošek, ki se na račun širjenja izdaje e-računa lahko zmanjša. Za kupca kot prejemnika e-računa pa smo ugotovili, da ima različne motive za prehod s klasičnega na e-račun. Ugotovili smo, da e-račun za prejemnika ni vedno najcenejša ali najhitrejša rešitev, zato so izzivi za izdajatelja toliko večji. Na trgu so se pričele pojavljati hitre, enostavne in ugodnejše rešitve, ki podjetju lahko predstavljajo dodatno tveganje za doseganje želene rasti izdaje e-računa. Every month the Si.mobil company issues more than 450.000 invoices to its users and business users for services rendered. Due to optimization of the operating process, the need to decrease business operating costs, needs of the market and the developing trend of electronic operations technologies as well as competition the company decided to introduce electronic invoice (e-invoice). The service has been offered to all of its customers yet currently only approximately 26 % of them have decided to use it.This diploma paper has researched, described and compared the business process of issuing paper and e-invoices. The main focus has been on the e-invoice, if and to what extent it has any effect on the operation and realization of company’s operating costs. Other aspects of e-invoice benefits for all stakeholders has also been examined and evaluated (procedures, error management, legal aspect, information safety and customer care).It has been discovered that the process of issuing invoices in the company is completely automated and optimized. For the company, issuing a paper invoice reflects in high costs, but costs can be reduced with expanding the percentage of issued e-invoices. On the other hand we have a customer as an e-invoice recipient, for whom we have discovered that has different motives for receiving an e-invoice rather than paper invoice. It has also been discovered that for recipient, e-invoice is not necessarily the cheapest or fastest solution, therefore challenges for e-invoice issuers are even bigger. Some faster, easier and cheaper solutions have been appearing on the market that can lead to an additional risk for the company to achieve targeted growth of issued e-invoice. |