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Namen diplomske naloge je bil, da se pobliže spoznamo z vzdrževalnimi deli na energetskih komponentah med obratovanjem, ki puščajo in predstavitev različnih načinov oziroma tehnik, kako lahko začasno odpravimo problem puščanja v postopku proizvodnje. Prišli smo do zaključka, da porabimo veliko manj finančnih sredstev, če z predstavljenimi metodami, ki smo jih opisali v diplomski nalogi začasno saniramo puščanje na energetski komponenti, kot pa če bi morali popolnoma zaustaviti celotno proizvodnjo in po zaključenih delih opraviti ponoven zagon. Prišlo bi do velikih izgub tako finančnih kot proizvodnih. The main goal of my final work was that we take a closer look with maintenance work on energetic components during operation which have leaking problems and presentation of various ways and techniques how to eliminate the problem of leaking at the time of production. We came to the conclusion, that we spend a lot less fundings if we go with the presented methods, which we described in this final work, as if we spend in case we should completely stop the entire production and then after maintenance work going back on line. We would have big financial and production loss. |